
Oct 13, 2008 15:59

A friend of mine loaned me a couple of books by Stephenie Meyer and of course, I didn't even look at the title of the books.  So, when I see people talking about 'Twilight' I'm wondering what the freak they're talking about.  It's only when I actually read the cover of the books, I realise that the books that I've borrowed from a friend are in the twilight saga.

Anyway, I start reading and keep on reading and nothing really happens. A lot of contrived situations occur and a lot of inconsequential things are written about.  Plus, there was no surprise.  I mean I knew what Jacob was to become the first time we meet him at the beach (so obvious).  Bella annoys me to no end.  Her reactions are way off, especially when she finds out what Edward is.  I mean - as if you'd say, 'Oh, okay'.

So, this wasn't a book that  really appealed to me.  I like to feel the emotion in books I read, but this one didn't engage my senses at all.
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