Okay. I just received an email from something called LiveJournal that congratulates me on reaching my 18th anniversary.
Bloody Hell, I have a LiveJournal! And it's old enough to watch an adult film and poison itself with alcoholic beverages - all sorts of fantastic stuff that is legally unlocked after 18 years.
I'm sorry I've been utterly neglectful. Things moved in a different direction. I no longer found it interesting or useful to make cloddish reflections on daily events, although my previous dust-covered entry still rings true: looking back on posts, I realise why people invest so much into diaries.
I will see how I feel about this tomorrow. You (who is most likely me) may see me here again.
Do you feel it?
The U.S. presidential election is days away and feels about as consequential as global democracy playing a game of Russian Roulette.
Recent Blender work...
Blender 4.2.2 with True-Terrain 5 and True-Sky. Plus a few Bagapie natural assets.