Dec 28, 2008 23:57
So I got to go to a great little get together at Jess' house, I really like getting to hang out with Jess and I had a good time. Sadly I had to leave before we had dinner as Mark needed to get home to sleep for work and I needed to go with him, fair enough and I will make sure to catch up with Jess later to make up for it. It's a resolution. I don't really do New Years resolutions; I can never think of something and stick to it. Mainly it's the thinking of something bit I have trouble with. Tomorrow I need to go into town to get my lighter engraved and hand in a centrelink form, yay for the chance of more money! I also need to phone the uni, I will remember to do that. On the major upside Mark doesn't have to work in the afternoon, I feel mildly bad for dragging him into town and maybe I won't but the chance of having him along to talk to is nice.