Sep 01, 2005 18:50
Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. Mark Twain, 'Huckleberry Finn'
If I get any more bored than I am right now, people near me will fall asleep, and they will die of it.
The entropy of the world, it is said, is ever increasing. I believe that entropy is another word for stupidity, 'cus let me tell you, that is certainly on the rise. Seems like people get dumber every day. The problem is, I hang around with a bunch of people who are pretty smart. And they seem like normal every-day people. And when I meet people, they seem to be pretty smart as well. Only rarely do I actually meet someone and say "Wow, what a dumb-ass!" But if this is the case, Where are all the dumb people coming from? Are there special schools that facilitate the use of stupid behavior? Are there facilities in the hills that dump stupid chemicals in the drinking water? Is there a secret lab somewhere making unauthorized clones of congresspeople? What, in effect, is up? It makes me want to start up an underground resistance to dumbness. Except it wouldn't be that tough to keep it secret from the dumb people, would it? Anyway, I could get radio stations to play informational songs, like They Might be Giants' 'The Sun', or 'James K. Polk'. And I could make my own raps, like 'Ain't no fun if the homies can't read', or 'Straight Outta College'.
I could tag conspicuous walls with 'Word-A-Day' style graffiti.
And when that failed, as it no doubt would, I would become a Serial Teacher. I would kidnap stupid people, and bring them to the basement of a house in a remote deserted locale, and then put them to the question... "What is the average rainfall in the amazon basin, my pet?" "You may eat your rice gruel once you define the word 'pathological' ... " "IT PUTS ITS FINGERS ON THE KEYBOARD!!"
And then, when a hot ex-fashion model criminal profiler finally puts me behind bars, I can help future detectives in horrific cases from my heavily guarded cell, as long as they bring me encyclopedias to read ...
This has been brought to you by the letter 'l', the number '33', and the plus sign.
Lucael (signing off)