I'm the best kitty in the whole wide world! I'm cute and sweet and grey and cute!
You should all love me.
So what have I been doing this sum
mer? Meow. I chased squirrels in the windows. I chased Sha'Ori in the house. I talked with the other cats who stopped by. I talked to the men who rebuilt Mommy's deck. I snuggeled with Musicalgirl when she stayed with me and Mommy. I groweled at Deere when he was dating Mommy -- seriously, the only boy Mommy needs is me! Because I am the best kitty in the world.
There was a chipmunk outside. I tried to catch him. He'd be yummy. I ran from window to window to try to catch him. I will catch him. Oh yes, I will.
And my friends come to see me. I love my friends. They say Hi and they pet me and I love them. I have the bestest friends but that's because I'm the best kitty.
Now Christmas is coming. I've been *very good*. Just don't ask Sha'Ori. She lies. But Sandy Claws is coming is going to bring me mice and squirrels and jingly toys. And kitty candy. Lots of kitty candy. And then my friends can give it to me.
Because, of course, I'm the best kitty. Ever.
And I talked with my friend Musicklutz last week on Mommy's video phone thingy (what does "so NCIS" mean?). And then Mommy said I could go see him! I'm excited. But I don't get why the postage is one-way.
Love you everybody!