(no subject)

Dec 26, 2005 22:14

I think the reality of the situation is slipping from my grasp. THis can not happen. Ihave phone calls to make... letters to write and critical planning that must take place. I dont really even know where to begin... so i am going to jump in and see what happens. I hope people are around to guide me and are helpful and understanding. OH shit! THis is it LUCI this is it.... well right now that is what it feels like.

COMPLETE SUBJECT CHANGE- christmas... blah blah. My little cousin is getting married... along with an older cousin of mine. crazy to think about! My little cousins... are almost as tall as me!
Today my mom and Emily and Shirley and I went out to eat and then off shopping and then to the movie STONE FAMILY... or Family stone? well it was nice. I enjoyed it. A little too predictable... alittle bazar in some areas... and somewhat cliche. I cried... too much... i hate crying ahead of others in movies... but holy crap that movie really hit me! IT was soo sad in some spots.... some realisitc situations and Ideas...slap us all in the face! bam. we all need that once in a while!

I am back at my moms. and miss action and fun times ... friends at school.... and am pretty lonely even though there are 3 other people in the house. Last night I stayed at my aunt and uncles with a group of cousins we all stayed up super late... had a few drinks... and some other fun activites and just laughed the night away! All slept in the basement... this morning the christmas tree int eh basement fell on me and Ashley. That was intersting. gee last night was fun! soul survivor?"""""

bev hills... sldkdfjlwkehojsdkf sick of that song. really... lwfkjodkf osadf

tomorrow i get to take a shot at spilling my far out idea to the others and seeing what happens? GAHLFkhdflkadk AHHH! I get some more blood drawn at the clinic... my blood cells are out of wack!?? go with my sis to pick up a dress for Jen's wedding, get a massage! wooo whooo! ugh i could so use one!

ok i am falling asleep now - more tomorrow i am sure. OH wow... do i have my work cut out for me!
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