Sep 11, 2008 17:55
Im sorry, but Im going to have another negative post. Only this time there will be no humor involved. Now, in my opinion, anyone who owns a gun and hunts animals in the name of 'sport' is nothing but a weak coward. But unfortunately, they have the right to do it, so until this barbaric 'sport' is banned and all these knuckle dragging halfwits are forced to sell their guns, I will bide my time knowing that when they die, Saint Peter will be pressing 'down' on their elevator. But I cant hold back my pure hatred for anyone who is cruel to an animal. Like the case I came across as I was reading my Aussie news this morning. Some cruel teenager kneed, kicked and punched an innocent Kangaroo to death. He filmed it and put it on youtube. All I saw of it was a photo of this beautiful Kangaroo just after it had been punched and it was reeling back with its paws up in defense. Christ almighty, I cant tell you the frustration I feel right now. It breaks my heart to know this has happened and I cant get my hands on this motherfucker. I feel such a rage inside me whenever I think about that photo I saw and the terror that poor animal must have felt. Yet all I can do is bitch about it online. I would love to get my hands on this despicable little fucker and do something disturbingly inhuman to him. This is exactly why I didnt become a Vet. If someone mistreats an animal it really sends me off the deep end emotionally. Im a very even tempered person and I know that violence doesn't solve anything. It never has and it never will but in the case of animal cruelty I will snap in a second. I hope to God that this fucker is caught and thrown to the wolves... or better yet, put alone in a room with me for 5 minutes.