Lubricus: The Reunion! Portland, Oregon, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2020

Feb 18, 2020 21:53

Those Who Do Not Remember the Past Are Condemned to Repeat It.

Looking back on our fannish days, when we were all more or less sharing the same spaces and communities, the thing we remember the most is the mockery making friends.

NEVER FORGET the friends made in solidarity through fandoms. NEVER.

We sincerely miss you all.


  • $140 US Registration costs (full). Also, you can help by:

  • No Strings Attached ($25) **This is a Non-Attending Registration** You won’t be attending Lubricus, but you still want to show some love! Like the Hogwarts ghosts, you’ll be with us in spirit. We will even put up a ghost picture of your user icon in your memory.

  • Lend a Helping Hand ($175): This is a Sponsorship Registration. No pillow princesses here - you want to help others reach their bliss by contributing an extra $35 toward our scholarship fund, so we can provide reduced-cost registrations to those who need financial assistance. Your registration includes admission to all Lubricus programming, the arts & crafts fair, the Blue Ball, and the Morning After Breakfast.

  • BDE (Big Donor Energy ($250): This is an Investor Registration. Like the Malfoys, you’re willing and able to provide financial support for a great cause. By purchasing this level of registration, you're helping us keep the Con's costs down for the Basic Registration, so Lubricus is as accessible as possible for slash lovers of all means! This registration includes admission to all Lubricus programming, the arts & crafts fair, the Blue Ball, and the Morning After Breakfast.

lubricus2020, byfans4fans, fandom, conventions, slash

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