1. A windy outpost on Westhoek Ridge.
2. A dump of material accumulated in an advanced position the day before a battle.
3. На линии фронта. (The Front Line.)
4. Осмотр раненого. (A stretcher case.)
5. Conducting a battle in a shell proof dugout.
6. Перевязочный пункт. (Scene in an advanced dressing station during a battle.)
7. Военнопленные. (A few Huns captured by the Australians at Broodseinde.)
8. Улица Ипра. (A street in Ypres.)
9. The Lille Gate.
10. Развалины городов и деревень на Западном фронте. (Entire cities and villages along the Western Front lie in heaps of ruins.)
11. Убежище в подвалах Ипра. (A refuge in the cellars of Ypres.)
12. У костра. (Around the camp fire.)
13. The Battle-Scarred Barracks, Ypres.
14. В железной землянке на холме 60. ( In an elephant iron dugout on Hill 60.)
15. Перевязочный пункт на холме 60. ( Attending to wounded in the advanced dressing station on Hill 60.)
16. The Battle of the Menin Road in which the Australians took a prominent part.
17. The Battle of the Menin Road.
18. "Примкнуть штыки". Австралийская пехота готовится к контратаке. ("Fix Bayonet." Australian Infantry preparing to resist a counter attack.)
19. The ruined Cathedral, Ypres, viewed from the Cloth Hall.
20. Reveries of Home.
21. "And Alone I Did It".
22. In the Courtyard of a Mosque.
23. The entrance to a Mosque in Cairo.
24. Три армейских мула. (Three Army Mules.)
25. Минареты Каира. (The Minarets of Cairo.)
26. Changing guard. The Citadel, Cairo.
27. A Camp of Australian Light Horsemen amongst the sandhills, Belah.
28. An Oasis in the Desert.
29. Australian Light Horse watering in the Desert.
30. A halt in the Desert with the Australian Light Horse.
31. Ruins of the Grand Mosque, Gaza.
32. The interior ruins of the Grand Mosque, Gaza.
33. "Gibit Baksheesh." A familiar scene in Palestine.
34. An Anzac and some of his friends. "The Donks".
35. Loading camels at a railhead dump.
36. An outpost in Palestine.
37. View of the Holy City from the Mount of Olives.
38. A.L.H. watering horses on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.
39. The Jordan Valley. Jericho lies near the centre.
40. Camp at the foot of the Judaean Hills in the Jordan Valley, near Jericho.