Jul 15, 2004 14:04
Stay out late or Sleep in: Stay out late. I hardly know the meaning of this thing they call "sleep"
Orange juice or Tomato Juice: OJ
Flip flops or Fancy Heels: neither. ok, flip flops.
Snickers Bar or Protein Pack: snickers bar. chocolate is good for the soul.
Hit the Mall or Hit the Beach: Beach!
Jet ski or Downhill ski: both! although ive only done the downhill ski, but jetskiing sounds fun.
Magazine or Literary Classic: depends on the literary classic. if its boring, ill take the magazine.
The Price is Right or Wheel of Fortune: im good at both, but i dont like to watch either one.
Big Talker or Big Listener: Listener.
Mild Child or Wild Child: Wild Child... at least i used to be.
Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise: Tom Cruise, but only in his younger days. Like Jack from Legend.
Computer Savvy or Not Plugged In: Not plugged in
Bargain Seeker or Impulse Buyer: Both.
On the Court or On the Side: On the Court.
Make a Meal or Make a Reservation: I do more of making meals... it'd be nice to have a reservation for once.
Glamour Girl or In the Jean: Jeans. Brittney spears sickens me.