Feb 06, 2003 21:28
Well lets see... today was a ok day we got out of school early and it is now snowing(LOL)... I am sitting here talking to Ronnie on line and you u all that are keeping up with how long me and Ronnie have been together it will be 5 months on the 18th not the 15th of Febuary.. Things along the way havent been the greatest between us but thankfully we make it work and these past 5 months have been the best ever I LOVE him with all my Heart. I guess I am over reacting when I get jelious for the things he does and all the other girls that like him.. But that just shows that i dont ever want to lose him to anyone at any point.. There are times that we can be on the phone for like 5 hours and not talk about anything. We talk aboout EVERYTHING. things that my own family doesnt even know. That shows that I really trust him alot.. GOSH!!!!!!I am letting the jeliousy and everything get the best of me ttyl