Green Lantern and why you should buy it

Aug 25, 2009 16:17

Excuse me while i geek out.

Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps are the best goddamned titles DC comics is putting out right now.
Close third is Secret Six by Gail Simone.

Green Lantern is written by Geoff Johns and Corps is currently being written by Peter Tomasi though Dave Gibbions wrote the start of this book.


When the universe was created, the first beings that knew of a world outside of their own planet where the Guardians. Their planet is called Oa and is at the dead center of the universe. Being the first beings with great power and tech they decided they owed it to all other beings to help protect them. They split the universe up into sectors and built robots called Manhunters to patrol and protect these sectors. One Manhunter per sector.

The robots screwed up.

They were programed to bring order, some flaw in their programing caused them to think that if they killed everything living, there would be order, the order of the grave sure, but order none the less.
The Manhunters managed to wipe out a near whole sectors worth of life before the Guardians shut them down.

The Guardians decided that living beings should patrol their sectors. Each being a life form from their sector. The Manhunters stayed on doing random tasks for the Guardians, a thing they grew to dislike and rebel against later, but more on that later. The Guardians also decided to remove all emotion from themselves which caused some of the guardians to spilt off from the main group. Including all the females. The Guardians being immortal, the loss of the women didnt really effect their population.

Each living being that the Guardians selected had to be able to overcome great fear. If they could overcome their fears, they could channel their will into a ring that should create solid light contructs based on their thoughts. Think Green Thoughts, thoughts become things.

All rings can:

Create food and Air for their wearer which includes making it warm enough and cold enough for them, full environment for each being.

Create Shields and hard light objects, the strength of both depends on the willpower of the Green Lantern using the ring at the time.

Translate all known forms of speech into something the wearer can understand. This includes access to the Book of Oa knowledge, basically they have universal google on their hands. Ask the ring anything, and it knows it. And if the ring doesnt know it, it means the Book of Oa doesnt know it. The ring can interact with most forms of tech, the rings are the ultimate tech in the universe and knows how most lowerer tech works.

The rings can block out most forms of telepathy from effecting the wearer. Only the most powerful telepaths can break thuru the rings defenses. Again this depends on the will of the wearer. The ring can take mental or verbal commands also.

The ring can not kill without the Guardians enabling lethal force. The ring can summon the wearer back to Oa if the Guardians need them.

Faster that light travel by using hyperspace. this is a form of teleportation, making the ring wearer into a being of light for a short term. Normal flying can break the sound barrier easy, but faster than light travel requires time to compute and plan your course. The Ring does this but it takes time.

Allowing the wearer to pass thuru solid matter

Create the users uniform and badge. The badge is a glowing Green Lantern symbol that floats a few inches above the symbol on the uniform.


The color yellow is the color of Fear. A rookie green lantern, one that hasnt earned his or her badge cant use their rings on this color. Once you earn your badge your weakness to yellow removes itself. But fear will weaken the constructs of the corps. Fear can still get you killed.

24 hour Charge limit for the rings. Every 24 hours you have to recharge your ring in a Green Lantern Power Battery or it will not work. It will not allow itself to be removed from your hand even if uncharged and even the Green Lanterns costume begins to fade away once 24 hours has passed.

using the rings also can reduce your power levels. the ring begins to warn you if power is being leached from the ring and once the power level goes below 30%.

There are other corps out there

The Yellow Corps of Fear from the Anti Matter Universe

the Blue Corps of Hope their rings being the most powerful but only in the company of a Green Lantern. Because hope without will is nothing.

the Red Corps of Rage founded by a being that survived the Manhunter's killing a space sector. They vomit red plasma on their victims.

the Indigo tribe of compassion

The Violet Corps of Love founded by the female Guardians.

and the Black Lanterns of death, the total lack of any emotion.

All the lanterns gain power from beings in the universes feelings. Emotion fuels and powers the corps.

Green Lantern Focuses on Hal Jordan and his partender Green Lantern Jon Stewart. Now the Guardians have two lanterns a space sector.

Green Lantern Corps sometimes focuses on Honnor Lanterns Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardener, lanterns of earth that go on missions for the Guardians. Most of the time it spilts focus to any and all Lanterns in various space sectors.

Read Green Lanter and Green Lantern Corps. Seriouslly
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