A few weeks behind on Agents of Shield

Apr 21, 2014 14:25

So you can laugh at me if this is all resolved already.

I just saw the Lady Sif episode and the (first) shoot-the-Clairvoyant episode.

And they did in fact name-drop the Kree. The Kree are the highly-technological aliens who continually fight the shapeshifting, organic Skrull (known as the Chitauri in the movies because the Skrull rights might or might not be sold along with the Fantastic Four rights to Sony).

'Captain Marvel' who was the Marvel hero of that name, was a noble Kree alien whose name in his language was 'Mar-vell'. His story is more of the soap opera type of the time, with little following, kept up primarily to maintain copyright on the name of 'Captain Marvel' and to confuse things for the hero we all know and love who shouts, "Shazam!" (Or maybe 'Kimota!')

But he has family and relations who have been known to show up from time to time and there have been Kree princesses and there's a 'Noh-Varr', also from the Kree empire, who had an interesting bit in Marvel's Illuminati (I haven't read the other stuff.)

Anyway, long story short, I think Skye from Agents of Shield will turn out to be an abandoned Kree princess. It will explain her technological gifts and something of her individualism, as well as her ability to survive being gut-shot until she got shot up with an alien chemical.
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