Summer's almost over

Aug 22, 2006 09:03

So, work is over. I finished on Friday. I have two 1/2 weeks before school starts back up. And now that I can actually enjoy the summer, our weather has turned crappy.

But a lot has happened over the last little bit. I am trying to quit smoking. I am on the patch and for the most part it's working. I've been trying for 3 weeks now and actually haven't worn the patch every day. I also had a few backslides on the days I didn't wear the patch. So I decided that I'm wearing it everyday, no matter what. It just sucks cause the damn thing itches like crazy and if I put it in the wrong spot it actually hurts. But I'm not doing badly. I'd say, in all over the last 3 weeks, I've maybe had half a pack of smokes. Not bad for someone who smoked a half a pack a day.

Meaghan is getting so big. It amazes me every time I look at her. She's losing the baby look and starting to really look like a toddler now. She still refuses to talk, but I did catch her saying a few words here and there over the last few weeks. She still refuses to repeat them, at least in our hearing. I have to take her to her 2 year well baby check up this week. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm worried that the doctor will think she's behind developmentally. She is, and she isn't. So she doesn't talk much. She understands more than most kids her age. She has excellent motor control and puzzle solving skills. You should see her trying to figure things out. It's so cute. I think she just needs to socialize more with other kids. We try but I don't really want her around a lot of the kids around here. They're very badly behaved and even some of the kids 3-5 have mouths that would make a sailor blush.

I'm really looking forward to school. Even more than last year. I'm worried that I won't do nearly as well this year, but I'm going to try my best. I'm trying to get the Band to fund an online course in accounting since I can't take another one at the campus. John, who's in charge of my funding, is going to see what he can do. And hopefully when I am ready to do my five week work term in the spring, I will be able to work at the Band Office again. Mike [CFO] and John [FA] both think it's a go. I just hope they have room for me in the spring. If they hire two clerks next month that could be a problem. But Trina is going to try and talk them into only hiring the one [which is her anyway].

I have so much to get done in the next two weeks. I gotta get my school shopping done [I love back to school shopping], have to take my road test on monday [yeah, I don't have a license, long story], Meaghan's appointment this thursday, Chris's appointment also this thursday, have to write several long emails home, finish writing letter for my portfolio detailing my summer work, write to local artist to ask permission to use a piece in my portfolio, get permission from the Band to use the Band's logo in my portfolio, and on top of all that I have several little projects I need to get done before school starts [one knitting/crochet project for our breast cancer run for the cure and a few small graphics projects].

Did I mention I only have two weeks?

work, meaghan, doctors, projects, school, smoking

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