Stress and stuff

May 05, 2012 10:42

So it's been a pretty stressful time here lately. My "supervisor" was sideways promoted to finance officer and I was bumped up to her position. Great news for me cause it means I'm the boss now and I can run things the way I want. However, they aren't planning to hire a replacement for me so now I'm doing the job of two people.

They did give me some help but I can't train her. She's not there enough. And when she is there its simply faster for me to do the work. I hate audit time.

And then there's the plans for building our house. We got our mortgage preapproval last week. Now we need to get all our paperwork in order. Need to finish my affordability analysis, get my life insurance, get new quotes on materials, finalize the contractor quotes and get our lot cleared.

So far there isn't enough time in the day for it all. But here's a sneak peek of our house. Not in this color though and the windows will be centered correctly lol

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