Jan 24, 2005 05:35
been a while since i updated so i thought maybe i should possibly write a little here. also considering its five in the morning and i have insomnia yet again what else is there to do, right? so unfortunately i have nothing to really talk about and update for. not much has been going on with two exceptions. friday night i went and hung out with savannah and a bunch of other people living in Foss and that was a really fun time. the more i talk to savannah the more i realize she is a great person and the more i want to learn about her. thats how i am though, i like to learn about people. so visiting drunk people and then watching I robot was a good time that night, especially not getting home till after four :) then saturday night was good cause nathan called and we made a "drink" run and then hung out at the 411 watching road trip. never seen it before but it was a really funny movie. dont think i have ever seen anything quite like it but it was worthwhile as yet another example of sean william scotts acting skills. when a bunch of other people showed up later it got lively and fun but never out of control, definately not a party just some good hanging out. the late night taco bells was an especially good choice which reminds me that i still owe nathan like two bucks. so that was basically my weekend. right now i am just sitting and looking forward to visiting spokane this upcoming weekend although i have a lot to do before then. i will be leaving on friday morning and getting back tuesday evening if anyone cared to know. i am just excited to get to visit lots of people in that area. should be a good time, if a little crazy. which also reminds me i should email Coach about it and let her know in case she was expecting me to be there. well dont have much else to say really. have not talked to emily much lately which is sad cause she has a lot of good opinions and we have had some interesting discussions when we have talked online. i did however get to talk to my friend Tara tonight and i have not talked to her for a long time so that was most excellent to find out that she is doing well and have a good time with her life. ok well signing off....
quote of the night/morning:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the pierian spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again."
~Alexander Pope, from an Essay on Criticism
verse for the day: John 15: 12-13
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as i have loved you. greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."