Dec 29, 2007 22:27
I watched "The Bourne Supremacy." Not sure why it was supreme. But now want to see "Ultimatum."
Puzzle is going on ... and on ... but I am making progress and it's a reason to get up in the morning.
Steven comes home Jan. 3.
The "Pope" ships in Jan. 2. I will probably get to wear jeans/sneakers all week. I mean, Wed-Fri. Am taking Mon (NYE) off. Yay for four day weekends.
Speaking of holidays, Christmas was usual. Nothing rewarding, lots of dishwashing, a power outage, tons of stuff I didn't need, some stuff I did, and the CC debt to justify it all. Simply merry.
Am working on new text for didactic panels and photos for the concentration camp/daily life/killing center refresh of the permanent exhibit. Have learned a TON about Zyklon-B, none of which was necessary for me to learn right now, but still will come in handy when we have to write a caption for our ZB canister on loan from Majdanek. Actually could have written the text without all the research I've been doing, but what the hell?
Am excited to be writing the refresh, b/c Harvey's doing a Holocaust group ISP this term, and taking the students to the Museum for a tour with yours truly at the end of January in order to discuss the differences between Holocaust scholarly history for you-and-me, versus Holocaust history for the impressionable-easily confused/disturbed public. The camp panels (if all goes to plan, of course) should be up before that. And we can also talk about the other victims panels I wrote (I did 3 out of the 5). That will be pleasing.
As pleasing as showing off panels about death and torture can be. To me.
Take that as you will.