SPD, Meta!

Feb 05, 2008 10:29

So, I started working on a fic. (see KK? proof positive that I won't diss fic writing for the rp. hee! ;)

At any rate, as I was writing, I went back and re-watched part of ‘Sam’ just to remind myself of certain happenings in the show. (because I like to check things when referencing canon events) Specifically, I was looking at Bridge and Syd in part one, and Sky in part two. Gauging their various reactions. And while yes, we can see a bit of reaction in both Syd and Bridge at Sky’s ‘freak’ comment, what was more interesting was his reaction when Cruger tells them about their parents and the accident. Everyone one of them has various looks of shock and surprise, but Sky looks truly crushed. Like something seriously broke for him.

Also interesting is when they move around the command console to stand in front of Cruger as he retells the story of the accident. Everyone else simply goes without much thought. Sky however, hangs back and takes his time getting there. Shuffling, if you well, almost as if he’s forcefully dragging himself. He doesn’t even bother to look at Cruger any more. He simply stands off to the side, leaning against the console, arms crossed as he stares at the floor. The reason for this reaction could be caused by any number of things.

Obviously, he knew his father worked at SPD. But he probably never thought of him working in any capacity other than Red Ranger. Like on the technology. Or perhaps it was his mother - the show never specifically tells us which parents were present at the time. And during the flashback scene, there are clearly less than twelve people in the lab, thus implying that not both parents of each Ranger were there. (And I say twelve because of Sam.)

Perhaps he’s crushed by the knowledge that SPD kept this information hidden from them. Or that his parents never told him. Cruger does say ‘we kept this knowledge secret’ without elaborating as to whom ‘we’ includes. One could assume that their parents would’ve known. Seriously, how likely would it be for a parent not to notice their kid walking through a wall? Or throwing out force fields?

Maybe the fact that his powers were the result of an accident makes him feel even more of a freak? Or does he start to think that perhaps Bridge and Z’s earlier theories imply something more? It’s fairly obvious at this point, that they were all brought together for a reason. And knowing that now, but not being told about it, perhaps he felt as if he’d been used? Or betrayed? SPD means something very different to Sky than to the others; if we use his dedication and sense of duty as an example. That SPD would willingly withhold such information for so long has got to impact that firm idealistic view he holds.

At any rate, no matter how you look at it, or what you read into it, one thing is clear. Sky was not happy by any stretch of the imagination at this news. Interesting indeed.

Thoughts? Ideas? What do you all think?

(as a side note; the fic that spawned this train of thought will likely be posted tonight;)

meta thoughts, fandom

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