(no subject)

Jan 24, 2008 20:53

Okay, fine. I cave.

1) Make a list of 10 characters.
2) Assign each character a number.
3) Without telling anyone who's on the list or the character's assigned number, get questions from your readers about what they'd like to know about them.

IE: "If 3 and 4 were trapped in a cave together with only a blanket and a toothpick, what would they do?"

4) Post the answers and who was who on the list.
My list won't go up til sometime Saturday. Because tommorow I'll be slammed at work. LIKE ALL DAY. What is it with these people and making us work like dogs the day before a weekend? Don't they know that Fridays are the days you're just supposed to hang out in the breakroom and do nothing but scarf coffee all day? Get with the program, people! *shakes head*

fandom, meme

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