30kisses fic: Sky/Z

Jan 21, 2008 15:25

Title: A Quick Lesson
Author/Artist: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Sky Tate/Z Delgado
Theme: (#9 - dash)
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, I just like to romp them through my own personal playground. ; )
Summary: Domestic chores can sometimes reveal interesting things...
Word Count: 2238
A/N: thanks to welleg_fic for the beta.
(And yes; this was partially inspired by having to iron out a dress jacket *WITH* all the danged ribbons, pins and medals on it. *glares at the hubby*)

Z groaned as she held aloft the offending attire. It was rumpled, creased with wrinkles that zig-zagged all across the jacket. The skirt was in the much same sad state of affairs. She grumbled as she gathered them together and stalked out of her room, searching. Glancing around, her hopes fell as she didn’t spot Syd anywhere. The Pink Ranger was no doubt off making her own preparations, like she should be doing. But Z had no clue where to even start.

She knocked on Jack’s door, but gave up after several moments of silence. She glanced at the remaining door and sighing, strode over, knocking sharply. Almost turning away before a muffled ‘enter’ came to her ears, she sucked in a large breath before stepping forward, the door sliding open.

Sky stood in the middle of the room, vigorously toweling his hair, clad in sharp grey trousers and the usual blue SPD tee. He arched an eyebrow at her curiously.

“Oh; hi.” Z muttered. “I was expecting to find Bridge. Sorry.”

He took her in with a swift glance, mouth turning down slightly in disapproval. “Why aren’t you changed yet?”

Z sighed and held out the pathetic excuse that passed for her dress uniform. “I can’t wear it like this.” She cringed at the near-whining of her voice.

Sky frowned further. “Where have you been keeping it? In the bottom of your closet?” The sheepish look she wore gave him all the answer he needed. “Ugh. Z...” his tone took on its usual annoying patronization, “Why on Earth didn’t you...”

“I never thought we’d have to actually wear these things!” she snapped. Sky scowled, chucking his wet towel towards the hamper across from his bed. “Sorry,” she amended quickly, “didn’t mean to snap at you, it’s just...I don’t know what to do.”

He rolled his eyes and huffed slightly. “You need to iron it, that much should be obvious.”

“But how?”

“You’re joking.”

Z shot him a look of annoyance. He let out a sigh of exasperation, speaking dismissively, “Go to the laundry room; there’s an iron down there.” Strolling past her, he went to the closet and pulled out his own dress jacket.

“Sky, you don’t get it.” Her voice was so soft and full of something so unfamiliar that he turned to glance across his shoulder at her. He was surprised to find a look of faint shame and humiliation on her golden skin. “I don’t know how,” she finished quietly.

“Don’t know how?” he asked incredulously. “Haven’t you ever used an iron before?”

She shook her head faintly. “No; not many opportunities out on the street.”

“Z,” he drawled, voice laced with faint irritation and impatience, “you’ve been here for several weeks now, surely you must have...”

“No, I didn’t!” she snapped. “Our regular uniforms don’t really need it, so I never bothered. And now I’m about to be screwed just because I can’t operate some dumb appliance thing!” She flung the wrinkled heap that was her dress uniform onto the floor. “And I can’t get any help because I’m apparently too stupid to know what the hell to do with an iron!” She spun on a heel and marched out of the room, obstinately ignoring the calls of ‘Z, wait!’ trailing after her. She kept going until she reached the relative sanctuary of her room, ducking through the door and leaning back up against the wall, burying her face in her hands, trying to ignore just how much Sky’s attitude had stung.

She didn’t notice someone had stopped next to her until she felt a hand lightly fall on her shoulder. She looked up, blinking, to find Sky gazing down at her. She started to hastily wipe at unshed tears, but Sky gently pushed her hand away and surprised her by running a thumb lightly across her cheek. “I’m sorry,” he spoke softly, “I didn’t mean it like that. And I never said that I wouldn’t help you. If you want me to that is.”

Surprised by this sudden shift, Z just stood there for a long moment, as Sky seemed to be taking her in. For once, his face held no hint of mockery or contempt, only a soft concern and light sympathy. Without really thinking about it, Z flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around him and sniffling against his chest. Fighting to hold back the tears that threatened once more.

He blinked and stiffened automatically at Z’s action. A faint snuffling sound came from the region of his chest and Sky relaxed marginally, enough so he could tentatively wrap arms about the woman pressed against him. “Hey, its okay,” he tried to sound soothing, “It’ll be alright. You’re not going to get in trouble over your uniform; I’ll make sure of that. But we will get in trouble if we show up late.”

She pulled away and glanced up at him. “Sorry, I’ve wasted so much time already...”

“Stop that,” he cut in gently, “No need to blame anyone. Let’s just focus on the job at hand, shall we?” She nodded and dabbed lightly at her eyes. “Come on.” Sky grasped a hand and tugged her along, stopping just long enough at his own room to collect Z’s uniform and his own jacket, then resumed guiding her through the halls of the Academy. To the lower levels and the housekeeping areas.

Bridge nearly crashed into them as he hurried out of the laundry center. “Oops; sorry,” he muttered. “You guys better hurry!” he called out as he scurried down the hall, “And oh, the ironing board is broken. See ya!”

Sky groaned and rolled his eyes. “Great. Wonder who could’ve possibly done that.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t Bridge.”

He arched an eyebrow. “You seem awfully certain about that. This is Bridge we’re talking about here. He pulls stuff apart all the time.”

“Yes; but only when he’s building something and always with junk nobody else cares about. I don’t think he could make something out of an ironing board.” A pause. “Could he?”

“With Bridge, one can never tell.” Sky shrugged. “Oh well, we’ll just have to use the old-fashioned method,” he spoke, stepping into the room. One wall was lined with washing machines and a few dryers, the other side held one long, wide shelf. All cadets routinely used it to sort, fold and iron their garments. “Grab a towel,” he spoke absently.

“A towel?” she asked incredulously, “What for?”

He glanced over his shoulder at her as he snatched up the iron, briefly waving his hand before the slick metal bottom. “Still warm,” he mumbled. “Just trust me, Z.”

“Okaayy. But I don’t see how a towel is gonna help us.” She did as he asked, however, pulling one out of the clean linen bin and carrying it over to him.

“Watch.” Sky neatly folded the towel in half and laid flat on the counter. He placed his uniform jacket on top, then flipped the iron on, letting it warm a bit further before beginning to pass it across his jacket, the iron hissing slightly as it let off small puffs of steam.

Z watched with interest. Though she hadn’t thought his jacket had any wrinkles to her eyes, she could see a noticeable difference as he smoothed the fabric out. The long, even strokes he used made quick work of any snags and left a crisp line to the edges. He sat the iron up on its end and glanced over at her. “See? Easy. Now you.” He whisked his jacket away and gestured for her to place her own uniform in the now-vacant spot.

Though she tried not to let it show, Z was nervous, worried that she’d somehow manage to totally destroy her uniform. She laid the skirt out first, figuring worse case scenario, any flaws in the skirt would be less noticeable than the jacket. Sucking in a deep breath, she picked up the iron and carefully placed it on the fabric. Her strokes were a bit choppy and she managed to somehow make a large wrinkle right across the front. She groaned. Loudly.

“Here.” Before she really knew what was happening, Sky’s arm wrapped around from behind her and he carefully placed his hand atop hers on the iron handle. “Like this.” He began to guide her arm, in careful strokes, removing the giant wrinkle she’d just created. “Keep it even,” he spoke nearby to her ear. “Don’t just move it haphazardly all over. Otherwise, you’ll make wrinkles. Like you just saw.”

“Oh; okay. I think I got it now.”

He let go, though Z could sense him still standing right behind her. She tried to ignore how close he was, but it was a bit disconcerting. Though she wasn’t really sure why. She managed to finish the skirt without causing any undo damage and without wrinkles. Turning slightly, she grinned hugely at him.

Smiling back, he handed her the jacket. She frowned. “Come on, Z. You’ve already got the hang of it. This will be easy.” Mostly, he added mentally. He wasn’t about to shatter her confidence now; although the uniform jackets were a bit trickier, collars, trim pieces and...Sky groaned inwardly. The badges. He stopped her before she had a chance to lay the iron on the jacket and made quick work of removing the two S.P.D. badges.

“What are you doing? Those are supposed to be on there!”

“Yes; but trust me, it’s much easier to iron the jacket without them in the way.”

She shrugged and set to working on her jacket as Sky deftly snatched up her skirt and hooked it on a hanger. Along with his own jacket. Z shot him a look from the corner of her eye. “Keeps them safe from getting further wrinkles,” he replied to her unasked question.

Z only nodded shortly and re-focused on her task. It wasn’t long before she muttered a small curse under her breath. “Dang. What the...”

“The jackets are a bit trickier.” He leaned his back against the counter edge and looked down at her, crossing his arms.

“So now you tell me. Some help you are.”

He smirked slightly. “I know.”

Mumbling about ‘pain in the asses’, she set out once again to get the jacket to comply as it was supposed to. It took some bit of fumbling, but finally she managed to get the collar smoothed out and set to work on the rest of the garment. “So...” she started, not taking her eyes off her work. “What’s the towel for anyway?”

“Keeps the counter from being damaged. Either from the heat or the steam of the iron. Nobody wants burned, warped countertops.”

She chuckled lightly. “I suppose. But how did you know to do that?”

“My mom. She did it all the time with my dad’s uniform. Guess she never saw the point in buying an ironing board.”


Sky looked over her jacket, nodding in satisfaction. “I think you’re done. Looks good to me.”

Z set the iron aside and admired her handiwork. “Not bad for a first run, huh?”

“Not at all.” He held her badges in his outstretched palms.

She took them slowly, almost hesitant to wrap her fingers about his. “Ah - thanks,” she stammered. “For all your help.”

Sky thought that perhaps she blushed just a tad, as he suddenly realized that he found her whisper-soft touch against his skin electrifying, fingers brushing past his. “Don’t mention it. Anytime you need anything, I’m here for you.” Did that sound just a bit wishful? Whatever it was, it certainly wasn’t what he meant to say aloud. “Uh, what I meant was...”

“Don’t worry about it.” She pulled away suddenly, focusing all her attention on placing the badges back into place on her uniform jacket. “I know what you meant.” Or do I? This was a first for her. Z was more accustomed to sniping at Sky instead of...well, whatever it was they were currently hedging around. It felt...odd. Yet slightly thrilling at the same time. She remained resolutely focused on her task, taking longer than was really necessary, just to avoid having to look at him. But she could only delay for so long before it became noticeable.

“Well,” she spoke into the air, eyes still fixed on the jacket, “Guess we’re done here.”

“Yah,” she heard from somewhere above her head, “Guess so.” She blinked as her skirt suddenly appeared before her. She took it, only glancing at Sky in passing. He turned quickly, snagging his own jacket from nearby. Was he...wait. No way could he be nervous-looking. Sky nervous? From what?

“Come on,” he spoke absently, not facing her, “or we'll be late.”

The trip back up to the dorm levels passed in tense silence. Both careful to avoid looking at each other, snatching glimpses from the corner of their eyes.

They stopped in the common room, Sky pretending to fiddle with the collar of his jacket, decidedly not looking at his companion.

“Well, I gotta get changed. Thanks, Sky.”

“Uh-huh,” he mumbled, still staring at his jacket.

He blinked in sudden surprise as a soft, warm touch feathered against his cheek. He turned quickly, but Z had already managed to slip off, the door to her room sliding closed.

Smiling, Sky headed off to his own room. Guess one really did learn new things every day.

sky tate, fanfic, 30_kisses, z delgado

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