(no subject)

Jul 28, 2007 14:45

Title: Today Is Not Your Lucky Day (part III)
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Entire Team
Rating: T (some mild language)
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: A round of Bad Luck has hit the team, effectively making them less than battle ready. Can the last two Rangers handle things on their own?

A/N: Yes, I know I'm way overdue. *sighs* What can I say? Shit happens... (and you probably don't want to know all that anyway...)

The Rangers looked almost pitiful. Syd, Sky and Jack did at any rate. Syd’s wrist was covered in a cast from her hand to almost halfway up her forearm. Sky’s headache had returned with a vengeance; a pillow covering his face, he was stretched out on one of the sofas in the B-Squad common room. Meanwhile, Jack hunched down in a chair, leg straight out and resting atop the small coffee table, propped up by a cushion. Z had finally demanded that he sit in a tone that brooked no argument, then promptly forced him to accept an ice pack.

During the course of running around after their elusive contact, Jack’s ankle had gone from a throbbing pain to sheer agony. By the time they’d returned to SPD, Z was using herself as a crutch for Jack and Bridge had to prop Sky up and steer him around since the world had decided to turn all crooked on him once again. Syd trailed in their wakes, cradling her wrist against her chest as rivulets of pain shot up her arm like fluid fire.

Dr. Felix had given all three of them painkillers and strict orders that they were not to go anywhere unless it was a dire emergency. So when Commander Cruger showed up, stating that their contact had surfaced once more, five identical groans echoed throughout the common room.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Jack blurted out, his pain getting the better of him as he glowered at his commanding officer.

Surprisingly, Cruger did not growl or even reprimand him. “I know, Jack. I am growing as frustrated over this farce as the rest of you.”

“At least you’re not covered in bandages,” Sky’s muffled voice came from beneath the pillow.

This time Cruger did growl, but only slightly. He knew his Rangers were in rough shape, so their attitudes were understandable. “I’m well aware of Dr. Felix’s orders. But I feel that the information this contact can provide us with may be invaluable. So I’ll only be sending Z and Bridge.”

“Is that a good idea?” Syd asked, “What if Bridge and Z run into trouble? How are we going to be able to help them if they need it?”

“Then I’ll go,” Cruger replied, “We’ll be monitoring them from the command center.”

“But what if they get hurt like we did?” Syd mumbled quietly.

“That’s just a coincidence, Syd,” Sky spoke, lifting a corner of his pillow up slightly to peer at her, “It’s not likely that’ll happen again.”

“Except that it’s Friday the 13th,” Bridge pointed out.

“You’re joking, right?” Z asked, “You don’t honestly believe in that silly superstition, do you?”

Bridge shrugged, “Given everything that’s happened so far today, how can you not? A lot of people believe in it, there are all kinds of creepy stories out there of things going wrong on Friday the 13th. You guys should check it out sometime.” All of them gave Bridge an exasperated look, all except for Sky who had re-covered his head.

“And you would care about all that, why?” Z asked.

“Because it’s interesting. Don’t you think it’s interesting?”

“Not really,” Jack muttered.

Z rolled her eyes, “Well, at any rate, I think we should head out. Commander?”

“Agreed. Come with me,” Cruger motioned with his hand and turned, Bridge and Z following him out.

Syd stared after her friends and sighed quietly. Jack gazed over at her, “It’ll be fine, Syd. Bridge and Z can take care of themselves.”

“I know, I’m just worried about them,” she glanced down at her arm briefly, “I’ve been thinking about it ever since we got back,” focusing on Jack once more, she continued, “It’s uncanny how every time we’ve gone in pursuit of this guy, one of us ends up in the infirmary.”

“What are you suggesting, Syd?” Sky muttered through his pillow.

“I don’t know yet. But I’m going to find out.” Quickly getting up, she strode out of the room, leaving her teammates wondering behind her.


Z pulled the patrol jeep to a stop in the cramped alley. “I’m not so sure about this, Bridge,” she said as she cast a furtive glance at their surroundings, “Something doesn’t feel right.”

“Are you becoming psychic too?” Bridge asked half-jokingly. Despite his light-hearted remark, he felt a slight sense of unease. “C’mon, we’d better check it out.” Sliding cautiously out of the jeep, he glanced around, checking for anything out of the ordinary.

Stepping out of the vehicle, Z came over to stand next to him, “Why here?” she murmured quietly, “I don’t like this.”

“I’ll scan the area. See if I can pick up on anything,” Bridge replied as he began to remove his glove.

Z thought she heard a small noise and looked around warily. “Bridge, I think we should just get out of here...”

A sudden clanging was the only warning they had. Z whirled to see a dumpster headed straight for her. Just at the last second, she was violently shoved from behind, knocking her down and out of the way of the oncoming container. She heard a horrible screech of metal, but not before she caught the sound of something snapping. She quickly rolled to her feet, taking up a defensive stance.

Bridge was on the ground, curled in a semi-fetal position, cradling his right arm to his chest.

“Bridge!” Z ran over to his side and knelt down next to him; he had his eyes tightly squinted shut, wincing slightly. “Oh no; are you okay? Bridge!”

His eyes flickered open and focused on the worried face of the Yellow Ranger. “Ow...” he said plaintively, “I think...something’s broken.” Sitting up slowly, he cringed further as pain shot through his arm and his side. “Like my arm....and...maybe a couple of ribs.”

“Come on, I’ve got to get you back.”

“Leaving so soon?” a high-pitched voice drawled out, “But I still want to play. And there’s one of you left who can.” Bridge and Z quickly spun towards the sound of the small voice.

“Mora!” Z spat out.

“Surprised?” the small girl stepped out from the shadows, “I do think I managed to get you all pretty good. I’ll admit that I’m a little disappointed that my last trick got him instead of you, though,” pointing at Bridge as she continued, “I had such a good plan in mind for him too,” she shrugged nonchalantly, “Oh well; I guess you’ll have to do.”

“You’re behind all this?” Bridge asked dazedly.

“Pretty cool, isn’t it? Though I didn’t do it all completely on my own,” she replied innocently, “He helped me a lot,” she said, pointing.

Z and Bridge glanced in the direction Mora indicated to see a shimmer in the air, which quickly materialized into a small blue-skinned monster with large bug eyes. “Jinx!” Mora cried out happily, “He’s great at jokes, don’t you agree?”

Z was fuming, “Jokes?! I don’t call injuring my friends jokes, little missy. Once I deal with your creepy friend here, you’re going on a long time-out!” grabbing her morpher, Z went into action, “SPD emergency!”

power rangers, spd

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