(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 14:15

Stealing, stealing and... stealing?

swiped from mariusgirl who swiped it from...me! Lol!

Plageristic Party!
How to play, in three easy steps:
1. Pick a favorite scene from one of your own stories. (Please, please, your own stories. I'm not encouraging actual plagiarism here.)
2.Pick a fandom (the more it makes you want to spork your eyeballs out,the better), "recast" your story for that fandom, and use find/replaceto change the character names in the story. (Not up for the effort of fixing pronouns and physical descriptions? Why bother?)
3. Post your retrofitted story snippet, or a link to it, in the comments here.

Yah, I did it once before, but I kind of liked how mariusgirl's turned out - so I thought I would give it another whack. Still kind of cracky, but it may be a harbringer of things to come. *grins deviously*

“Do you know who I am?”

That was the question Syd had asked Jack in a dream. Shortly thereafter, he discovered that she was a latent telepath. Sky couldn’t believe it. After all those years of knowing her and knowing her attitude towards telepaths in general, he never expected her to wind up being one of them.

It wasn’t surprising when he thought back on it. When she didn’t pity them, she was afraid of them. Even a telepath as weak as Sam had been, could’ve blown her secret out into the wide open. It was no wonder then that she avoided contact with Bridge at all costs. She wasn’t strong enough to keep out a P5; she didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell in keeping out a PsiCop.

Knowing that, well, he really couldn’t blame her for keeping that secret. Lately, he’d come to distrust them as well. It wasn’t that he didn’t like telepaths insomuch, though a few creeped him out more than others; but rather it was the organization that was the PsiCorps. The institution that was supposed to protect normals against ‘dangerous rogue telepaths’ and provide help and support to those same telepaths had turned into a cesspool of corruption, deceit and was little better than a juggernaught of a forced concentration camp. Telepaths virtually had no rights under PsiCorps regulations.

On the surface, it seemed like a sweet deal; telepaths had jobs automatically, all their expenses paid. They held positions of respect and authority and not many dared to challenge them. But that came with a large price. They couldn’t go anywhere they wanted to when they felt like it. All travel was at PsiCorps discretion; they were sent where the Corps saw fit. They couldn’t choose their own lives. Hell, they couldn’t choose their own mates, the Corps paired telepaths together with the intent of breeding naturally occurring powerful telepaths.

He’d heard horror stories of the Corps going farther than that. If someone resisted the idea of a pairing, he shuddered inwardly at the thought, they would have it forced upon them, willing or not. Just as equally horrid was the ‘treatments’; mind-numbing drugs telepaths were forced to endure if they chose not to join the Corps. The very same treatment that had ultimately claimed the life of Syd’s mother.

After witnessing such a thing, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that she was defensive of her secret; keeping it from even those she called friends. She was risking a lot just by telling them. If the truth came to light, she’d lose everything. She’d be yanked back by a PsiCorps order and thrown into a pair of black gloves so fast, it would leave heads spinning. Sky sure as hell would make sure that her secret stayed safe. He silently vowed he wouldn’t let PsiCorps take her, no matter the cost. He knew that Jack and Z felt the same. Syd was a part of their family; their so very small family. So to protect her, he’d make sure her secret remained safely tucked away; in the shadows, hidden in the darkest of recesses.

meme, crossover fic, babylon 5

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