(no subject)

Dec 25, 2007 12:16

Title: Holiday Tradition
Author/Artist: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Sky Tate/Z Delgado
Theme: #15 - perfect blue
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: while everyone else is in the holiday spirit, one member of the team isn't...
Word Count: 1135

Sky shook his head as he strolled into the rec room. Syd had started this debacle and she had slowly managed to suck Z into her escapades; both of the girls had spent hours yammering away about the upcoming holiday.

And from the look of things, they'd gotten Bridge to go along with it as well. The Green Ranger looked incredibly ridiculous with a large messy tangle of christmas lights piled up around him. His face was scrunched up, brows furrowed together as he wrestled with the wires, trying vainly to untangle them all. He'd somehow gotten the strand he was currently working on wrapped about himself, a piece of the wire dangling comically from his mouth as his hands worked frantically.

"Oh, you're just in time!" Syd squealed and rushed over to Sky, grabbing his arm and dragging him along. "We could really use your help."

"Forget it. I already told you. I hate this holiday. It's all a bunch of superficial bull anyway, a competition for who gets the biggest and most expensive presents. Bah."

"That's not what its about Sky," Syd shot back, "Besides we only need you for a little bit then you can go back to being Mr. Scrooge."

"What could you possibly need me for?" he asked tartly.

She shoved a plastic horrid-looking star into his hands. "This needs to go on the top of the tree. And none of us can reach that far, so..."

"Just because I'm the tallest you think that automatically designates me to do this stupid task?" He shook his head, "Besides, you don't need even need a tree with Bridge like that," pointing as he spoke, "he's already green and covered in lights."

"Bud I haf nohare to pud a sarr."

"What? Bridge, take the damn..." Sky was cut off by a voice echoing from across the room.

"We found them!"

Three sets of eyes trained on the source of the sound. Sky rolled his eyes as he spied Jack and Boom carrying boxes. "Not you too! Isn't this getting out of hand?"

Jack set his box down and cocked an eyebrow at his second. "Still being a bah humbug isn't he? I told you," he waggled a finger at Syd, "I knew you wouldn't get him to come around."

She shrugged, "I had to try."

"What is this; some kind of conspiracy?" Sky asked crossly.

"Yah, because you totally need to chill out and just enjoy the holiday spirit," Jack retorted.

"Well, I don't want any part of it," he shot back, shoving the star back towards Syd. He stalked off and flopped himself down on the nearest sofa, shoving his nose into his beloved manual, patently ignoring the rest of the room's occupants.

"Hey, check this out!" Boom suddenly blurted out.

"What; what is it?" Syd, Jack and Z crowded around him; Bridge couldn't join them because he was still held captive by a jungle of light cords, though he clearly wanted to.

"Wow!" Syd exclaimed, "How did all these wind up here?"

Boom shrugged, "No idea. Maybe they were donated to SPD by all the former Rangers."

Sky cocked an eyebrow and peeked marginally across the top of his book at Boom's words.

"Oh no way," Jack spoke, reaching into the box and pulling something out. "Tommy Oliver. Wasn't he..."

"Yah," Syd nodded, "One of the most famous Rangers of all time. What else is in there?"

Boom pulled something out as well. That something proved to be a glass yellow bulb. "Chip Thorne." His eyebrows shot up, "The yellow Mystic Force Ranger."

"Looks like all the Rangers were signing christmas ornaments of their ranger colors," Z spoke.

"Let's see," Jack reached in and pulled out a green one. "Marcus Cole. Wasn't he one of the first SPD Rangers?"

"I think so," Z replied absently as she dug around in the box. "I wonder who's on..." she trailed off suddenly.

"What?" Syd asked excitedly, "Who's name's on it?"

Z's expression changed from one of joy and cheer to slight sadness. Without a word and with her friends staring after her, she walked over to Sky and stopped just in front of him, holding out a red ornament. "Here; I think you should look at this."

He huffed. "Not interested. Remember?"

"Just take it. Please?" Her tone was very soft and something in her voice prompted him to study her fully. Whatever it was, it seemed to make her upset. Sky set his book aside, not able to stand that look she wore any longer, though he didn't admit it aloud. "Fine. Just so you guys will leave me in peace," he took the red bulb from her and began to look down at it, "I'll play your silly..." he trailed off as he stared at the familiar handwriting.

He didn't notice that everyone had surrounded him, including Bridge, though a rebellious strand of christmas lights clung stubbornly to his ankle.

"Who's name is on it Sky?" Jack asked quietly.

Sky took a deep breath before replying. "Jon Tate. My dad." Without another word, he got up and walked over to the evergreen tree that was standing slightly lop-sided in the far corner of the rec room. He hung the red ornament from a branch near the top.

"Looks great," a voice spoke from his elbow. Sky glanced down to find Syd standing next to his elbow, everyone else not too far off from where they stood.

He nodded and sighed. "Still need help with that star?"

She smiled and fetched the tree-topper from the nearby pile of decorations.

"You know," Boom spoke up, "there are a bunch of these bulbs in here with nothing on them. It seems a shame to break tradition." He held out a marker pen.

"Great idea," Jack replied as he eagerly took the pen and located a blank red ornament, scrawling across its surface rapidly.

"Ooh, I need pink."

Sky smirked slightly as he rose up on his toes, stretching to reach the top of the tree. It took him a few moments, but he finally managed to get the star on. A bit crooked perhaps, but it wasn't noticeable with the tree's already present tilt.

"Hey." Sky looked down to find Z next to him. "I found one for you." She held out a bright blue bulb and the marker pen. "It matches your uniform perfectly." He glanced down at it hesitantly before slowly taking it away from her. He took a long moment to write across the ornament's surface, then skimmed his eyes over the tree. He finally placed it just under his dad's.

"I think that's the perfect place for it too," she spoke softly. She rose up on her tiptoes and brushed a gentle kiss across his cheek. "Merry Christmas, Sky."

sky tate, 30_kisses, z delgado

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