(no subject)

Jul 14, 2007 18:52

Title: Today Is Not Your Lucky Day (part II)
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Entire Team
Rating: T (some mild language)
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: Friday the 13th is a day surrounded in superstition; is there really anything to it or could it be something else?

The Rangers sat around the common room, waiting for Commander Cruger to put in an appearance. Instead of using the Command Center as usual, he had opted to debrief them here.

Syd sat staring at a book; one that she hadn’t turned a page in for several minutes, trying not to hover over Sky. Sky, for his part, sat next to Syd with his arm thrown across his eyes, attempting to avoid the bright sunlight which flooded the room.

Across from them, Jack sat contemplating the Blue Ranger. Ever since they had arrived at the Academy grounds, Sky had done nothing but complain. Everything was too loud or the lights were too bright. A seemingly endless tirade of moaning and whining the likes of which Jack had never witnessed before. He hadn’t suspected until now just how bad Sky could be.

Of course, most of it was probably due to the concussion that Dr. Felix proclaimed he had once the rest of the Rangers were able to manhandle him to the infirmary. The doc had given him some painkillers and Jack could only assume that they were working since Sky hadn’t complained about anything in at least ten minutes.

After several muttered threats from Sky, Bridge had retreated to a nearby wall and had assumed his infamous ‘thinking position’. ‘Well, at least he’s being quiet,’ Jack thought, ‘Which in turn keeps Sky quiet too. All the better for me.’ Jack smirked in wry amusement as he studied his teammates.

Sitting sat next to Jack, Z was feigning an interest in her music player while attempting not to fret over Jack and his injury.

“What are you smiling about, Jack?” Z asked quietly, so they wouldn’t be overhead.

“You guys,” he replied just as softly, “You’re all so wound up about me and Sky, it’s a wonder you can think straight at all.”

“Hey; we’re just watching out for our teammates, that’s all.”

“Yah, I can tell,” Jack replied, smirking further as he watched Syd start to lean towards Sky but thought better of it at the last moment and backed off.

The doors slid open and Cruger stepped in. “Rangers.” Z, Syd, Jack and Sky started to stand up as Bridge flipped himself back onto his feet. “At ease, cadets. You can stay where you are.”

Jack sighed in relief; then quickly glanced around, hoping that no one had caught his reaction.

Cruger walked over to the group, giving both Sky and Jack a brief look over, “I heard about what happened. I’m relieving you of your remaining duties for the rest of the day.”

“But sir...” Sky started to protest, still squinting slightly.

“No arguments; tracking down this lead is the B-Squad’s top priority and I want you all ready to move at a moment’s notice.”

“Oh; I see,” Sky finished lamely.

Jack raised an eyebrow in his commanding officer’s direction. ‘Something’s up,’ he thought, ‘He’s not pulling us off just because of this case.’ Jack had a niggling suspicion of why.

“In the meantime, I suggest you all use this opportunity to get some rest.”

“Will do, sir,” Jack replied, nodding curtly. ‘Now I know there's definitely something up.’

“Z; Syd, may I speak to you for a moment?” Cruger asked, waving them over.

The girls got up and walked towards him and he turned, leading them slightly away from the center of the room, snagging Bridge’s sleeve as he passed and dragging the Green Ranger along with them. He stopped and turned to face them when they were far enough out of earshot. “Rangers take care of their own; they look out for each other,” he gave them each a meaningful glance, “Keep an eye on yours.”

Syd and Z nodded while Bridge held up a finger in question. “Um, sir? You want us to keep an eye out for Jack and Sky you mean?” Cruger nodded slightly. “But they’re both kind of...” Bridge scrunched his face up slightly as he continued, “Stubborn. How are the three of us going to keep them out of trouble if they won’t listen to us?”

Cruger patted Bridge on the shoulder briefly. “You’ll think of something. I know you will.” Cruger stepped away from the three Rangers and left the room.

“Well, this is going to be fun,” Syd stated, “Trying to get Jack and Sky to do anything they don’t want is worse than pulling teeth. And when it comes to them doing something related to duty...” she shook her head, blonde curls tossing lightly.

“Hey,” Z spoke up, “As Cruger said; we’ll find a way. We’re Rangers and we’re pretty resourceful.” She gave her teammates a conspiratorial wink. Bridge and Syd smiled back.

“Hey! We’re over here. You three want to come back and enjoy the party?” Jack spoke from across the room as Sky gave him an icy stare.


‘Ugh; not again,’ Jack’s shoulders sagged in exhaustion, ‘Up, down, over; where the hell is this guy going to lead us to next? And he’s never here when we arrive. I’m getting really tired of the elaborate goose chase.’

Once again, their supposed ‘lead’ had contacted Cruger and wanted another meet-up with the Rangers. Cruger had sent them out, this time to the square just outside of the city’s most bustling mall.

Behind him, the rest of his team was scouring the area for any signs of their contact. Bridge’s ability to track was useless here since people were everywhere, constantly coming and going. They all seemed a bit worn, especially Sky. Though he hadn’t complained about being out in the bright sunlight, Jack could tell that he was suffering.

“Alright,” Jack spoke into the group’s silence, causing all four of the other Rangers to jump slightly. “He’s obviously not here; again. This is getting ridiculous. If he’s so damn touchy about talking to us in person, why doesn’t he just tell Cruger the information he has when he calls?”

Z shrugged, “Who knows? Maybe it’s like a confession thing for him, like telling us in person will somehow absolve him of things he’s done.”

Jack arched an eyebrow at his best friend. “Whoa, that was pretty deep, Z. And it’s about the only thing that makes any sense to me at this point. Three times in a row now; its beginning to feel like a big game of hide and seek. A very sick one.”

“Yah, it doesn’t really make sense at all,” Bridge added, “Why keep dragging us all over the city? Why not just come out and get it over with? Unless...” Bridge tapped a finger against pursed lips for a moment, “He’s purposely leading us on a wild goose chase. Like he wants us to chase after him. But why?”

Sky rolled his eyes, “Who cares? This is pointless. I say we return to base and the next time this freak calls in, he can just spill his guts to Commander Cruger.”

Jack cocked an eyebrow slightly, ‘Boy, he gets pretty testy when he’s not feeling good, doesn’t he?’ “I agree; there’s not much point in us sticking around here any longer. If he was here, he probably would have come out by now,” he glanced up to where Syd was checking around the upper level of the courtyard, “C’mon Syd! We’re headed back.”


Jack sighed and closed his eyes briefly, wishing that the day would end soon. ‘This day is just too freaky,’ he thought.

“Hey, did you guys hear something?” Bridge suddenly spoke up.

Jack snapped his eyes open to study his teammate, “No; why?”

“I thought I heard some kind of noise, like some mechanical thing breaking...” Bridge began glancing around as Sky shook his head and Z shrugged.

Just as Syd reached the bottom of the escalator, a loud ripping sound could be heard. To her dismay, she suddenly found that her jacket sleeve had caught in the escalator handrail and was beginning to pull on it, dragging her arm with it.

“Hey!” Syd began to yank on her sleeve with her other hand, trying to free it from the revolving track.

Bridge rushed over and grabbed her arm, pulling with all his strength to free her as her arm inched slowly closer to the moving machinery.

“Shit!” Jack muttered and joined the others in trying to get Syd loose.

All four Rangers pulled at Syd while she struggled desperately to keep her arm from getting too close. After one last yank, the Pink Ranger was finally released from the grip of the escalator.

“Whoo; that was kind of close,” Z stated, letting out a rush of air.

“Actually, I think the damage has already been done,” Syd spoke quietly.

“Huh?” Bridge looked over her arm and noticed that her wrist had begun to swell and appeared to be off at a slight angle. “Uh-oh. Is it...”

“Yah, I think it’s broken, Bridge,” Syd replied. “Ow...”

Jack cringed at Syd’s words, thinking, ‘This cannot be happening. What the hell is it today? Why us?’

Jack's got some interesting questions there, doesn't he? Wonder what the answers will be?

fandom, power rangers, spd, fanfiction

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