(no subject)

Dec 16, 2007 18:42

Title: A Helping Hand
Author/Artist: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Sky Tate/Z Delgado
Theme: #21 - violence
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: A simple recon goes horribly wrong and could cost the life of a Ranger...
Word Count: 833

Z couldn’t believe the position she currently found herself in. This being holding onto a balcony railing, hanging on for dear life. It was supposed to have been a simple mission, following up on a suspect, casually trying to get the alien in question to let something slip. Apparently, he’d had other plans.

He let her in easily enough and seemed to be cooperative as she was strolling around the small apartment, innocently pretending to look at nothing. The alien remained a goodly distance away from Z, mumbling about how he'd been off-planet, visiting relatives for the last two weeks.

She let him continue his monologue; it gave her ample opportunity to scour his apartment for any clues that might link him to the latest rash of burglaries that had been plaguing the city. She began to lose interest in his excuses, effectively tuning him out as she continued her work. That proved to be a mistake.

It all happened in a flash. As she had reached the exterior wall during her circuit around the room, he suddenly shoved her violently from behind, sending her stumbling out the open balcony door.

Surprised and somewhat disoriented, she wasn't prepared for what followed. One moment, she was trying to regain her balance and the next, he’d grabbed her and dumped her over unceremoniously over the side. She now clung to the railing, her arm crooked firmly around one of the thin metal bars. It wouldn’t have been a problem if she was only a few floors up, but twenty stories of a high-rise tower...it was not a good situation to be in. To make matters worse, she was unable to reach her morpher. If she let go for any reason, she knew she was done for. Even now, the alien sneered down at her, angered that she’d somehow managed to catch herself.

“You little pest! Let go!”

He rushed over and began to try to peel Z’s arm from the railing as she fought against him, trying to hold on all the while, but she could feel her fingers beginning to slip...


Sky impatiently waited nearby, tucked around a corner down the hall from the suspect’s apartment as he waited for Z to give him the word that he could move in. What he hadn’t expected to hear was a startled yelp and an angry shout. Suddenly filling with a sense of dread, he bolted for the apartment door as the sound of his name being screamed rang in his ears, spurring him onwards.


Z was barely hanging on, the suspect having managed to wrestle away one of her arms. She thought she had heard something snap as he did so, and the stinging pain that reverberated up her arm from her wrist spoke volumes. He had a maniacal grin plastered to his face as he worked at prying away Z’s remaining fingers.


The alien spun just in time to be knocked flat by a blast of laser fire. Without so much as batting an eye, not giving the creep any time to react, Sky whipped out his morpher and had him carded in an instant.


Z could feel her fingers slipping and she squinted her eyes shut against the inevitable. Just as she felt herself starting to go, something strong latched onto her arm, keeping her from falling. She snapped her eyes open to find Sky staring down at her, his eyes slightly wild.

“Z! Give me your other arm!”

She did as he ordered without hesitation, ignoring the pain that shot up her arm as he grabbed her wrist. He began to haul her up, her feet scrabbling at the balcony ledge once they hit solid material and stumbling over the rail.

Sky was thrown off-balance as Z practically launched herself at him, sending them both crashing to the floor, Sky landing hard on the flat of his back with Z landing on top of him. They both lay there for a moment, panting and wheezing in an effort to regain their collective breath. Z closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of solid ground beneath her, Sky’s form a comforting presence. She opened her eyes and raised her head up slightly to find Sky staring directly at her, their faces so close together that they could’ve been kissing.

“Thanks,” she spoke quietly.

“You’re welcome. Now do you mind getting off me?” She rolled her eyes and eased herself up, wincing as her wrist brushed against his chest. A look of concern flashed across his features. “Are you okay?”

“I think he broke my wrist,” she replied as Sky scrambled up. She blinked at the sudden appearance of a hand in front of her. She took it with her uninjured arm and Sky hauled her to her feet.

“Then we should get back so you can get that looked at.”

“Yah,” she agreed quietly.

Sky wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulders. “Come on,” he spoke gently, “I’ll drive.”

sky tate, 30_kisses, z delgado

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