
Feb 09, 2009 12:47

For some reason this year has started out seemingly like any other year but I do feel a difference in the air. It's not something physical that I can see and I don't believe it's something emotional so it might just be something different in me mentally. I have noticed that I went from writing gloomy or heart sick things to writing more about just general life and an array of subjects I hadn't quiet thought about before. Things have been going extremely well. Not because of anything in particular, it just feels like even the bad things can't bring me down right now. I think I have just been through so much and I guess I finally realized that things are bound to go wrong and I am bound to hurt but eventually things get better and its my choice if I plan to dwell on the negative or work towards the positive.

On another note, It's almost Laura's b-day and I got her a gift yesterday. I wasn't all too sure what she wanted so she picked it out on condition that she would still act surprised on her b-day lol. It's a stereo because the one she currently has is crap. But now I feel like I should still get her something and thus I might head over to e-bay and get her some CD's.

My mom and dad's b-day is coming up this month too but I know my mom likes jewelry. Only this time instead of a necklace I plan on buying her a ring. I know the kind she likes. And my dad, well I don't know what to get him, he's hard to shop for.

Oh, exciting news, I finally might be able to see my sisters again. I haven't seen them in what seems like forever. It sucks too because they are growing up and I know they are bound to change and grow (emotionally and mentally) and these are the years when it matters the most to be able to connect with them. I don't want things to be like they are with the rest of my half-sib's. As bad as it sounds, when I talk with them it's almost like talking to a stranger because I don't talk to them often. Then again I don't put in the effort either. They are all grown and live their own lives with their families (husband's/ wife's/ kid's). So yeah, back to my point, I really wish I'd have more time with them. I probably am not the best influence but I am their sister and I love them and I love talking to them and trying to help, give advice, or just listen to them. I don't want years to pass and bump into them one day and be like, "Oh hi, long time no see, oh you're married now that's great. Ok, well nice to see you."

Well I am off. No pictures today as I don't like most of my pictures anyway.

b-day, advice, sisters, gift, blabbing, shopping

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