Listless but I'll be alright

Oct 08, 2009 11:22

You said all would be fine,
You said you'd stand by me all of the time,
But I guess words never truly ring true
You know the city looks nice from this view.

Lights flicker and blur in my sight
I've lost all will to continue to fight
The strength rushes away with every call
The pain fades with the wind as I fall.

I don't really have anything specific to write about but I still found myself clicking the Post button. Let's see, Oh things are picking up at the store ^_^. That is great as the economy is still suckish but we'll survive.

I don't have my parent's breathing down my neck about things anymore. I mean I still get into trouble once in awhile but it's deffinately more relaxed at the moment.

What else....?

No more of me putting myself down... at least for now. Sometimes I just can't help it but I'm trying.

Oh! I am getting better at guitar XD. I had issues as first because I tend to just quit on things I do, but guitar and writing are the exception. I don't stay away from either for too long. I'm even getting the Reila Aoi solo down. It's one of my favorites. I have the correct fingering going on just not in perfect timing with Aoi's playing but I am getting there. Although I must admit that one hurts my fingers. Then again I start on it and won't stop till like an hour later. So that's about an hour of just running my fingers over the strings. It can get painful. But not too much obviously since I can do it all over again the next day.

The one I can't get is the acoustic for Horizon. It's simple, I know the strings and finger placement but for some darn reason I just can't put it together and make it sound like the actual song goes. Instead I get a different sound. And yes I have it tabbed out correctly, it's just the timing I get wrong. I shall get it one day though. I will not give up on it.

Next is family talk. I miss my family. My little sissy's are off doing there own thing and I'm happy for them. But I am missing critical years of their lives. They are becoming their own person, coming into their own and learning new things and I am not ever there for them. It's almost like I don't even know them anymore. It sucks because I don't want things to end up like with my other sisters. I love them, they are family, I have their numbers, and yet I never call or visit. I simply don't because it's kind of weird. Like I am already a shy person, I have this akwardness when it comes to talking. I've spent years keeping my mouth shut for fear of saying something stupid that now I hardly talk at all. Even knowing they are family I just can't figure out what to talk to them about. It's like when you have the random acquaintance that you know stuff about but you just can never get on the same page as to what to talk about or hanging out. Oh well. I hope that wont happen with them but time will tell.

Oh I'm still failing miserably with any Captive updates. It's difficult not just giving up on it. I want to finish what I start. It's a new thing for me too. And it's not for anybody's sake but my own so I wont be satisfied with just any ending. I have to actually try and actually like it.

Well done with that as I began saying I had nothing specific yet rambled off anyway lol.

rambling, life

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