Captive: Chapter 11

Sep 18, 2009 17:41

Title: Captive
Chapter: 11/?
Summary: “...she looked up too late, startled to see Luke injecting her.”
Warnings: Kidnapping, swearing, angst, [implied] rape, murder, violence, the works...
Authors Notes: I decided to make it implied rape because I couldn't bring myself to actaully write out the greusome details.

Character Descriptions
Chap. 1 . Chap. 2 . Chap. 3 . Chap. 4 . Chap. 5 . Chap. 6 . Chap. 7 . Chap. 8 . Chap. 9 . Chap. 10 .

“I love you corny as it sounds. When I met you I knew we’d be together forever.” She smiled brightly at him and Justin couldn’t help but reach out and hug her close.

They were sitting on the soft grass at the park again, the one they’d first met in, laughing about an article Jasmine had found in a magazine stating they were dating. “Me too... and it’s not corny, it’s just this everything was right the moment I saw you.”

“That’s because everything is right. We were meant to be in each others lives." Jasmine shook her head knowingly, her hair bouncing in the pony tail she had it in. "You have helped me through some of the hardest things I’ve had to face...things I never could have faced alone...and I know that...I know that you’ll always be by my side, chasing away the monsters.” She giggled at that last comment, setting the magazine beside her as he smiled and answered her back, “Of course, we are going to be best friends for the rest of our lives, and you‘ve helped me through some rough times in my life too Chazzy.”

She leaned in to lay her cheek on his chest, her head nuzzling his neck and they stared out into the water from her favorite place by the pond as their minds swirled with thoughts. “My mom asked me once if we were dating.” She stared out at the water, looking past the surface as he hummed in response. “I told her that we weren’t and she didn’t believe me. She said we looked like we were meant to be together,” she turned to look him in the eyes, “and I told her that we are- just not in the way she believes. I told her that you‘ll always be a part of my life, we‘ll grow up, change...but you’ll never leave my life, you’ll always be there.Of course she thought I was insane but I didn’t know how else to explain it to her.”

Justin pulled her face close and kissed her nose, earning a giggle from her as he placed his forehead against hers. “Well you are crazy Chaz, but that’s why I love you...well that and many countless other reasons.” They sat in a peaceful silence as the day crept away, neither needing to talk nor wanting to brake the silence.

Justin awoke from yet another dream. It had been constant for a week now. He’d gone from nightmares, to blank dreamless nights, to this. This was much worse.

He would awaken every morning at 6:00 a.m sharp as the images from his dream played back in his mind.

This one was about his birthday. They’d gone back to the park were he had met her the first time, that moment having already come up in his dream the night before.

He didn’t understand the feelings rushing in his heart right now.

In the beginning he’d felt panic and his nightmares mirrored the chaos within him. Then he felt a strange longing mixed with a desire he couldn’t understand, all of which clouded his mind, not allowing any dreams or nightmares to fill the darkness behind his closed eyes. But now there was a determination in the pit of his stomach and his heart would begin to race at odd moments of the day. He held on to a hope, deep inside, that those feelings were from Jasmine. That he was feeling a bit of what she was feeling, just like they used to be able to feel one another’s fears and pains and happy moments. He hoped the bond they shared was what was telling him that she was alive and not just his own aching heart.


It had been 3 and a half weeks since she had taken off the blindfold and been allowed to leave it off only to realize she was being taped/recorded all day.

It had been 3 weeks since the early morning when Sin had come in drunk and kissed her, after which no other similar incident had occurred.
But she could feel something strange swirl and mix in the air, dancing around her as it floated on by, teasing her for not knowing what it was trying to warn her about.
She could see a difference in the way Sin and Luke talked that day, she could see the difference in their face, a trace of malevolence gracing their features.

Luke walked towards the door that afternoon with a stride and air of confidence she hadn't see before and soon Sin followed him out with a nearly empty black trash bag leaving Jasmine with her troubling thoughts and anxiety building up in her chest.

That morning Luke had placed a new tape beside the laptop even though he didn’t change the one currently in the camera and he’d placed a futon in the space behind her. She wasn’t worried about the camera because she could block out the image of her hands working away at the knots just by standing up. Any images captured during the day wouldn’t give her away as she had been very careful. But today she was scared, all her confidence and scheming seemed lost as she looked at the door for answers as to what was to come. It scared her not to know and it scared her even more that she could possibly die today without having tried to escape. Taking a calming breath she stood on shaky legs working once more at releasing her wrists from the rope that had left them raw and sensitive, this time she was more determined, not knowing how long Luke and Sin would be gone.

She opened her eyes and the rush of pain made her groan in protest. She’d fallen asleep and her wrist were throbbing, she could feel dry blood on her wrists as she heard struggling just beyond the door.

Jasmine could pretend to be asleep as she had her face down hidden from the cameras view. She’d done it a couple of times before but she didn’t want to risk them finding out what she did so she didn’t feign sleep often. Her eyes fell closed again just as the door was thrown open.

She could hear sobbing and fought the urge to look up. Curiosity mixed with fear and left a sour taste in her mouth. Jasmine could hear a loud smack followed closely behind by a thud. Hands suddenly were on her and she looked up too late, startled to see Luke injecting her as Sin injected a blond haired figure on the floor. The fear was evident in her eyes as Luke pulled the needle out and he stroked her face, wiping away tears she hadn’t realized were there before the world blurred and became dark once more.

Sounds invaded her ears harshly and her whole body came rushing back in a stinging hot flash of pain that made her moan and groan.
Something was definitely wrong.
Jasmine struggled to open her eyes, eyes that felt heavy, and tried to hiss out in pain only to realize her mouth was dry.
It had happened again.
She could tell by the pain in her joints, the dryness of her throat, the pounding in her head, and the feeling of hot lava rushing in her veins.
How long had she been out?

A hand cupped her chin and nudged her head up. She had no desire to fight back as she felt a cool liquid moistening her lips, pushing past them to soothe her mouth, sliding down refreshing her throat on it’s passage as she drank more. Finally quenched Jasmine laid her head back and only then did she realize she’d been tied and propped up against the post. Her ankles and midsection were tied painfully close to the wood and she couldn’t move other than her fingers, toes, and from her neck up.

Her eyes snapped open to reveal that she was now turned away from the door, the futon with the blond placed atop it now directly in front of her. A shadow of questioning graced her face as she looked back at Luke, who was standing to her left with the bottle of water. A smile played on his lips as he looked her in the eyes. Fear became apparent in her dark brown depths. Countless minutes later a small groan followed by a gasp forced their attention back to the girl who, as Jasmine just realized, was tied to the futon’s metallic frame.

Jasmine looked at the girl lying on the futon that was in her direct line of vision. The girl looked to be young, about 17 or 18, she had shoulder length blond hair with brown highlights. As she looked closely she saw bruising on the girls fair skin. The girl was laying on her back, her legs open and tied down, the material of her jeans pushed up by the ankles, to the metal frame of the futon just as her hands were tied on either side of her. She looked scared, no terrified, and confused and definitely in pain. As she tugged on her restraints she began to whimper and it only made Jasmine angry.

Why were they doing this?
What was going to happen now?

Slightly dazed from the drugs in her system Jasmine opened her mouth only to remain silent as Sin walked in, a gleaming knife in his hands. Her eyes were trained on Sin as he walked further into the room ignoring Luke’s chuckle. The dark brown reflective pools didn’t waver until she heard sobbing. The girl on the bed was looking around, her eyes shining with tears as she looked at them pleadingly.

Her green eyes finally caught Jasmines and they stared at each other unsure, scared, confused, and trying to find answers neither girl had. It wasn’t until the girls face contorted in pain and a cry resounded from her lips that they lost eye contact and Jasmine saw Sin pressing the blade into the skin of the girls shoulder. He only made a small puncture but it was all that it took for blood to start its trail down onto the black material of the futon.

Before she could utter any noise or even realize what was happening Jasmines head was suddenly yanked back, the force causing her head to collide painfully with the wood as Luke covered her mouth with a cloth. She groaned from the pain and the sting made her eyes water but she didn’t dare cry. He slapped her, her cheek stinging and burning where his hand made contact and she looked at him surprised, shocked at his violent behavior towards her now.

“You have to watch Jasmine, there is to be no looking away, no crying, you just have to watch us. If you don’t obey you’ll end up in her place you got that?” His voice was frighteningly menacing and her whole body shuddered in fear but she wasn’t able to answer, too chocked up and afraid.

His hand gripped her chin and he brought her eyes level to his. “I won’t repeat myself Jasmine, it’s just a yes or no because I could switch your positions this instant. Is that what you want?” She shook her head and cringed as his tongue darted out and trailed up her jaw line. “Good girl” he whispered as his lips hovered over her ear, but he only lingered for a second before pulling away.

She felt disgusted but had no chance to dwell on it as she heard the girls voice, coming out hoarse and labored, “Please don’t...let me go please...” Her pleading only seemed to egg on Sin who reached out to touch the material of her yellow tank top.

He gripped the bottom hem and pulled it up slowly, his eyes roaming hungrily over the milky skin as it was being revealed until he reached top. He bunched it up and brought up the knife, using it to taunt her as it trailed up the same path her shirt had before he swiftly cut the material and pushed it aside. The girl was crying loudly as she realized where this was going and Jasmine felt her stomach churning so she closed her eyes against the wave of nausea but a firm hand gripped her neck and her eyes flew open.

“Ah-ah-ah, you cannot close your eyes Jasmine.” Luke was obviously enjoying himself, a smile evident on his lips and dancing in his eyes. His grip tightened on her neck and panic rose in her chest. “One last time Jasmine love, you either watch from here or you get to experience it first hand. You don’t want that do you?”

Shaking her head she finally felt his hands release her neck, one hand drifting up to nudge her head in the direction of the futon, and the distressed girl on it. Again Jasmine watched helplessly as Sin began to discard his clothes and Luke lazily walked over and began tugging down the girls jeans as the girl tried thrashing around. It was hopeless and they all knew it. It was then that Jasmine knew it was too late... Too late to try and escape, too late to hope for a miraculous rescue, too late for the girl before her, and too late to wish this was all just a nightmare.

luke, kidnapped, captive, sin, angst, jasmine, fiction

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