Haha I know how you feel :P every time I watch things like that I'm like yess... yess... ok... yes I KNOW. NEXT POINT. I guess it's good for people with little brains though :P
its just so annoying, the topoic is so interesting, but i just coudlnt watch it :-( the programs are an hour long, but you coudl do it properly in 30 mins if not less. Maybe i shoudl watch if after a big night out and im feeling slow.
The universe, theyre onto their 4th season now, its the first of that season i watched part of, then decided to cancel the torrents for the rest, its all in HD so was about 15gb of files. The one i watch is called death stars, and is about supernovas and the creation of black wholes and the gamma rays that woudl fuck the world if the one they are looking at explodes. Really interesting but too irratating for fully awakeness.
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