Kyria found a lovely little how well do you know yourself/how do others see you chart. For it to work it needs your input . . so follow the link. 42redmonkeys -- I fully expect you to steal this. It reminds me of your color meme.
In other news I've been keeping busy with Women's Mysteries. Since the meeting it's been this thing that I can't keep off the backburner of my mind. It's odd, there's times when I'm preoccupied with something and there's times when I'm not . . but every time I start to be preoccupied it startles me because I forget that I do this sometimes.
I haven't done enough with the Evolutionary Witchcraft book this month. I even forgot to ask for it off work . . .but there was a reminder message in my inbox today and I have next Thursday night off so it all works out. Guess I'm meant to be there.
I have been working on trying to speak with intent. I'm not sure how often I forget though . .. whenever I remember I know my intent even if it's only filling the silence and connecting with friends.