A - Accent: 100% accentless Oregonian baby! I used to be able to do a caukne (as well as spell the damned word) but that was years ago so it's probobly a lost talent
B - Breast size: 38DDD The bane of my exhistance
C - Chore you hate: Vacuuming. I hate all cleaning but that noise is the worst.
D - Dad's name: Dennis
E - Essential make-up item: Lipstick. My lips are addicts
F - Favorite perfume: Dark Cookie -- My own blend of patchouli, chocolate, vanilla, coconut, pomegranite, and suede. I loves it lot!
G - Gold or silver: Silver . . . unless it's a gold season like last summer and fall
H - Hometown: Coos Bay, OR
I - Insomnia: I sleep like a rock. I don't sleep I go comatose, does that count? It's like reverse insomnia.
J - Job title: Retail Therapist
K - Kids: Just the friends I take care of. You know who you are.
L - Living arrangements: Beautiful appartment with a wonderful husband that is letting me stay out all night tomarrow night for the Collide concert. I can't wait!
M - Mum's birthplace: California . . but we're 100% Oregonian
N - Number of apples you've eaten: I grew up with an orchard, so that's at least one every day after school from late spring (you have to test if they're ripe yet) to early winter from the time I could pick apples to 8th grade, plus all of the one's bought at the store, factoring in my recent raw foods kick . . you do the math.
O - Overnight hospital stays: 1 5 day long stay
P - Phobia: Lonliness
R - Religious affiliation: Just pagan for now
S - Siblings: 2 brothers and 2 sisters
T - Time you wake up: between 8 and 11 unless I have to be someplace sooner
U - Unnatural hair colors you've worn: Crayola Orange is the most unnatural. In the natural looking but not my natural color I've done many different auburns and reds and am currently black haired.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: I only eat green beans, corn, and spinich cooked unless it's in yellow curry or something equilly yummy. I've liked all of the raw vegetables I've tasted unless you're one of those people that considers tomatos vegitables.
W- Worst habit: Nailbiting, procrastinating . . . oh I know getting overwhelmed
X - X-rays you've had: a few arm X rays and some belly X rays
Y - Yummy foods you make: I make good gingerbread and snickerdoodles. I also bake fish with lemon, garlic, and butter and it's yummy. And everyone but Jeff loves my Hawaiian chicken (wich is Hawaiian because the Hawaiian family taught us, not because any of the ingrediants are particularly Hawaiian)
Z - Zodiac sign: Libra with way too much Scorpio and an Aries rising. You fear me. I know it. It's OK.
You scored as Drama nerd.
Drama nerd
Ghetto gangsta
What's Your High School Stereotype?created with