Apr 16, 2003 16:37
Part 2: Pick one quality you admire and focus on it. Don't focus on falling short or get discouraged. Take some time to reflect on what would be present in your life if you exibited more of that trait. Create an action to integrate the quality into your life.
Well I'm indecisive and a bit of an overachiever so I'll just do them all ;)
If I were more eloquent I'd feel less dumb. Jeff and I wouldn't be constantly fighting about communication issues--or at least I'd always be right. I'd know what I said was what I meant. It would give me great leadership potential and I'd stand a chance at winning an arguement with Joe. (not that we argue anymore) Unfortunately I'm not sure of an action for this one. I could read stuff by an eloquent author. I had to stop reading Shakespear because I was starting one too many sentances in the middle. But that would mean reading something besides Laurel K Hamilton, and I'm not sure who to go for. I will try to speak with an even tone when I'm explaining things or frustrated (don't want to kill the enthusiasm, it can be a merit)
I know that in the back of my mind I'm second guessing things and that to some extent it shows and makes me look like I'm trying to hard. If I was confident I'd be like all of the other slightly freaky people in the world tha just go with it. I'd be like the ladies I met in Mary Kay, the host on Trading Spaces, Terradon, or my sister. It's strange I kind of pride myself on being able to love others unconditionally, but couldn't imagine feeling that way about myself. I can look at AJ and be like "He's wild and crazy and it's great--everyone loves him for it." If I were confident I'd be able to say "I'm wild and nutty and people like me," without wondering who I was trying to fool. I'm not really coming up with an action for this one either. I can't just accept who I am and go with it. I'm loud and hyper and these things aren't socially correct. sigh! I could try to look in the mirror and find something besides makeup or clothing or jewelry to like, I'm not sure how well it will work but it's worth a try right? I will stand up strait. While I'm doing this I will think "Fuck all the people who think I'm showing off my boobs. Correct posture is good for my back and lots of people pay good money to look like this."
If I were more graceful I would stand up strait and not feel like I was showing off my tits. I would be able to pay attention to things better and not be constantly tripping or spilling. I wouldn't suddenly realize I was yelling. I would be able to schedule my life and stick to it, proritize, and be less frustrated. As far as actions go I just had ideas for actions for the two other traits that I'll add now (in case you wonder why it's so choppy up there.) I will try to take a moment to think about what I'm doing, why I'd doing it, and how the advantages are worth the things I'm giving up.
I'm not sure if optimism is the right word for what I'm trying to accomplish here. It's an attitude that's more than optimistic. It's understanding that things aren't "perfect" but they're the way they are supposed to be and that makes them perfect. Everytime I feel dumb or generally wrong (not in a factual sense, but this thing I do or this aspect of me is wrong) I will tell myself things are the way they are for a reason and disadvantages are also advantages, and try to find out how this one is.
I don't really know how this would be different. For the most part I'm pretty authentic. I don't wear a penticle and sometimes I get embarassed by my geekyness and life might be better if I didn't hide things that much. I suppose I could go buy me a penticle and wear it on the weekends (can't wear it to work) or put a really geeky bumper sticker on my car, or maybe a subtle rainbow thing (can't let mommy know I'm into chicks.) I suppose it might help me meat similar people, I'm just scared it might draw some away too. But wich do I want more?
I have been trying to work on this one already. I've already promised not to buy clothes I don't love. I could add to it enough time primping in the morning to ensure I like how I look and try to do laundry more often and think of the day's onsaumble as a total look, not just clothes and what my hair wants to do. I'll also keep doing my pilates. I've started doing pilates exercises 20 minutes at night while Jeff is in the bathroom. Hopefully it will help make more things fit. There are days that I don't want to go to school because I don't like how I look (oddly school is the only thing that strikes me like that. College must really remind me of high school) I know it would be easier for me to be confident if I had that one less thing to worry about.
diva work