Random photos make up my life...

Feb 02, 2010 22:47

Hey ya'll!!

27/1/10 (Creative Concept Boredom)
As the title suggests, I was bored out of my mind during Creative Concepts...
So, I decided to take pictures of anything around me...


The Bracelets I got from Abigail, pretty rainbow colours, haven't worn it, waiting till Chinese New Year.. ^^

The rings I got from the salvation army, got them both for only a dollar!!

29/1/10 (Cognitive Lunch thanks to Faci Amir!)
Our Cognitive Faci Amir was leaving not only us but RP as well, so in return, he decided to treat us PIZZAS!!
Check it out yo!!

Check it out!! We had 4 Pizzas and a box of chicken!!

And we had chicken!!!!!!!! I love CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!! Eating it in class was fabulous with our hands getting all dirty and oily but it was totally unglam.. d:

Surprisingly, the girls ate more than the guys.. 'Guys eat more!!!!!!!!!'
Thank you Amir!! Thank you so much!! And you were a wonderful and fun faci and I enjoyed your lessons very much ^^

2/2/10 (I come to school to shop!)

After School, with Yanling, I went to the various stalls set up at our schools.
A couple of stores caught my eye, and these are the products I got!!

Sorry for the crap photo, but technically.. It is a handmade pouch, and I love the adorable fabric, and the workmanship is brilliantly done!!
Even the freaking zip is handmade!! There was one pouch that caught my eye, and it had cats on it, however it was slightly too expensive for me as I did not carry enough cash..
If you are interested, here is the link: periwinklesu.etsy.com

Because of my purchase, I was entitled to a lucky draw..
And I managed to win a clutch!!
Freaking happy/ Lucky!!
Its velvety and the blue is such a cute colour...

Anyways, I met up with Yanling because we had a briefing regarding our CREATE IG, for people in the committee..
The funny thing was I was busy stoning through out, but don't worry some of the information managed to get into my skull
One of the Faci, who just so happened to be there because he was part of the Social Dance IG, me and the girls got him to read our palms, why? Because it is so bloody fascinating!
According to my palm, I am a stubborn, practical person who has a strong interest in things that are beautiful such as the arts. My love line is filled with frustration, but that is a good thing, and it shows that I am a faithful person...

AHHH! Soo cool!!

Till next time!!

dance, school, shopping

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