Hey ya'll!!
Haven't update in a super long time..
Not much has happened, just smoking through school life..
Except for that one day where i was 'volunteered' to join in the school's flash mob, an embarrassing situation where I would very much like to not remember. But free shirt, so not much complaints at that, then it turns out it was L sized 0.o
Can't wait for the holidays to come again, can't have too much holidays you know?
Went back to school on Saturday for the school's open house, loads of activities, very little freshies.. Sigh.. And I sigh some more...
AH! So cute!
The shoes I bought at Bugis Street, I was supposed to buy shirts, cause my shirts at home has either all turned invisible or been stolen by cupboard nymphs or I misplaced them... Most likely answer: Stolen by cupboard nymphs, like DUH!?
Love it to bits, sadly the price was a little hefty ):
Till next time!