Sep 03, 2009 23:16

Hey ya'll!!
Its my Birthday, and first of all, I want to thank everyone who has wished me a 'Happy Birthday', it makes me HAPPY!!

Secondly, I didn't do much on my Birthday.. D:
Around 12AM, my mom wished me 'Happy Birthday' (:
With a Chocolate cake! YUM.. I wanted something pink, but having a cake is better than no cake..
The design was cute (: ME LIKEY!

The view from the top.. d:
Pretty? Its chocolate cream with chocolate sponge, and the flowers are chocolate cream, and the white 'ribbons' are white chocolate (:
Its good, because it is overly chocolatey, just the way I like it (:

Side view.. Still yum!! d:

Me wishing.. Even though it looks like I actually fell asleep.. But no, I'm wishing for........ I'm not saying, MUAH HAHAHA!!
So, I went to sleep after that, but before I did, I received mail from my friends, wishing me 'Happy Birthday'
And again I say 'THANK YOU!!!'

I woke up to the wonderful sounds of construction work (:
Surfed the net, and cooked Campbell soup for lunch..
Couldn't really do much since I had dance at around 5pm..
Left home, and reached school around 4pm..
I still have no idea why I left my place so early.. But heck, it won't kill me d:

So, I brought my camera with me to dance, and I realised that I haven't really taken a picture of my school..
So, I did!
This is when I was crossing the road, and I took the picture of the pathway..

PRETTY!! My school has palm trees! Why? No idea (:

The entrance!! Ta-da!

So, I had dance today..
Did the whole stretching thing, which ended earlier than usual..
Then we did across the floor/ technique training..
Which was ok, the usual.. d:

Then Zaini came in.. We went through the steps, he taught on the previous lesson..
Cleaned it up.. Turns out we were actually pretty messy..

And when we learned the new steps.. It was horrible!!
Took forever to learn and I end with new bruises, OWIE!!!!
Half-way through at around 8.30pm, my mom came in to watch, which was pretty embarassing..
I was like "mummy! what are you doing here?"
Panicked, and continued dancing..

Danced, danced, danced.. And it was 9.45+pm, and we finally finished!!! Yeah!

So, what I aim to do.. Now that I have turned 17.. HM...
1) Get contacts.. ( Half-way through dancing, I threw my specs across the floor, which I think scared a couple of people) (So, for future comfort and not to endanger any people nearby)
2) Become a better dancer
3) Become a better person: More tolerant, More understanding.. ETC

I think this is it!
Till next time!
Can't wait for saturday to come!! (:
P.S: Happy Birthday NAKAMARU-SAN!! 4th Sept, and I'm 3rd! (:
P.P.S: This is my 100th post!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My birthday post is my 100th post!! (: (: (:

personal, dance, kat-tun, school, birthday

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