Jan 20, 2005 11:15
Ok seriously I fucking hate gym. I'm so glad this is my last year of it because its really gay. I probably failed the exam because i dont know how to do knot. LIKE THATS A FUCKING LIFE SKILL??! What are the oods that I'm going to be rock climbing in like the fucking Himalayans or something...not very likely. Number 1 Its cold as balls and I'm a warm weather person and Number 2 I FUCKING HATE ROCK CLIMBING FOREVER THANKS TO THE GYM NAZI...goddamnit, why does the school board or state or whatever fucking nimrods that run this joint feel that gym is neccesary and we have to write for it and take exams and fail them because they are stupid. God, I really hate how retarded the world is sometimes. I'm moving to like fucking Italy so my kids will have better schooling. They can smoke fucking cigarettes on campus and having like a gram or 2 of weed is legal. Not that I will condone my children smoking but if they choose to do so why the hell not do it at school! Ok, I'm really dramatic I know but hey,whatever. I just can't wait for exams to be done. Tomorrow I have drouins. I'm kinda looking forward to it..except the fact that its a blue book. I hate those wretched things. Like I dont even mind writing but the fact that it has to be done in a stupid blue book thats thin and retarded is just GHEYYYYYY. I got my article online from the Belfast Telegraph. I wanted it to be cool so I went for an Irish newspaper...she'll love it..what doesnt she love? Im in the media center right now and the people in here are really annoying. Steve Lafaille for example..put on this earth to be an annoying prick. He'll never have a girlfriend,wife,kids probably not even cats because he would torture them..the animal patrol would have like a restraining order on him..i could totally picture him being like a sadist wierdo that like experimented with cats and put them in microwaves and stuff. HAHAHA wow..mental picture. Ok..that came out of nowhere but still. Well I think I'm going to go find a book or something to read because I'm bored..peace outtttt