Jul 21, 2004 12:50

Godamnit people let me ask you one unfathomable question: Why on God's green earth would they give another Simpson a t.v. show? Do we really need anymore stupidity in this world? Granted,Ashlee isn't as stupid as her sister but the two of them having their own show just makes me want to puke. First of all Jessica Simpson should be shot in her face and so should her mom...her mom actually said she was a genius and had an I.Q. of 160..ha! I don't even have an i.q. of 160 and i'm farrrrrrrrrrrrr smarter than she is stupid ass bitch. And then...here comes Ashlee Simpson prancin' around working off her sisters fame cuz god knows she wouldnt have a show or a record deal if her sister wasn't Jessica Simpson. Her voice sucks-- its too nasal,she lost it during a performance once yeah she's a real fuckin diva and she just all around sucks.And what the fuck is with her dying her hair? Um sorry to tell you sweetie you look like shit and you have Sheila Carpentier bangs! Yeah,dye your hair back blonde your givin us brunettes a bad name! Television really chaps my ass ...MTV should go off air! I hope someone assasinates Jessica Simpson.. honestly who needs her? Nick sure doesn't! He could easily find someone else whose brain is actualy at least half functional. "Is it chicken or is it tuna? "Um, I don't eat buffalo" and who honestly farts on national t.v.!! Gross bitch! She thinks she's wicked hott but to be quite honest and from an objective point of view I think she's hanus and I'm not just saying that because I hate her,I've always thought she was ugly when she first came out and wasn't so RETARDED. Godamnit,Timmy from South Park is smarter than her...he has a wider vocabulary as well. Ok, this subject has made me irate... im going to get some lung cancer and skin cancer. Peace!
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