
Nov 20, 2007 09:43

Yay for boredom?

So, in the past few weeks, I was able to watch 300 (HAROO!! *beat* Holy shit, that's the USMC battle cry, reversed. This explains so much..) and re-read Starship Troopers (A very good political essay, as well as a clever novel). Also, I was made happy by the fact that Maya was made to watch that movie(Though she complained about the graphic-ness of the movie, which I blame on the director, who is the same man who brought us such pieces as Robocop. I swear. Same guy.), so she has a bit better background on an RP I'm doing with her, set in a version of that particular universe, more closely based upon the short-lived TV series than the movie or the book. (I modified the "Marauders" to be a special forces detatchment, rather than the combat walkers they are in the series; I marked those as "Hercules-class Armored Personal Transport", or "Herc" for short). I should probably tell Maya to use the movie as an alternate view of the rp universe. Especially since Verhoeven never finished the book (he found it depressing), and the VFX were limited to the space sequences and the bugs ('cause did you see so much as a powerloader there? I didn't. I Jim Cameron can do it ten years before, then someone shoulda done it in '97, too)

dum dum dum.. what else.. hm. Very little, really. Oh. I'm now able to follow along on most Jonathan Coulton songs I hear. (So long as I've heard them before. I'm still learning The Presidents, though.)

*trolls the blogs I normally leave for work..* Oh, for.. >_<

So, apparently, Hil Clinton is now calling for the ESRB to be thoroughly investigated. And for them to play through every game to completion before rating it. Hey, airhead. Three letters. M. M. O. Let's see the understaffed ESRB muddle through 70 levels in WoW, minimum twice, and go through all the raid content. Not gonna happen. That ALONE would take them the better part of a full year, if not more. And that's devoting every person there to doing it, which they can't do. You wanna turn a republic into a dictatorship, you'll have a very ugly fight on your hands. And the Army can't get back here fast enough to save you from the mobs that will erupt. The sad part is, most people don't realize they're practically living in one now (Early 90's, we had a pres named Bush. From 93 to y2k, we had Clinton. From 01 to '08, we've got Bush II, and if we're not careful, we're gonna wind up with Clinton 2.0; more reactionary that the first version, and incapable of doing anything constructive. Granted, Bush II is as much an idiot as his ancestor, Frank Pierce (Pierce's own party didn't want him after his term), and his brother, while guv here in Flori-duh, did a number of rather silly things. Either way, I say let's get out of the rut. Everyone with the ability to write in a candidate, scribble in Doug Stanhope-Libertarian. He may be an asshole, he may not be educated past high school, but he's got the right mindset; individual rights come before government ones. For example. My right to own a firearm to defend house and home from someone who wants to take something that isn't theirs. Yes, we have police, but they can't be everywhere at once. (and really, do you WANT them everywhere at once? I sure's shit don't. If they were, I'd have so many speeding tickets..) As such, I follow the maxim: A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. Now, where I live, there's an LCSO (Leon County Sheriff's Office) deputy that lives, quite literally, right across the street. I could yell really loud, and they're like to hear me. Problem is, I don't think it wise to yell when someone's trying to break in. For all I know, he could be a no-witnesses psycho. Cops are backup to armed citizens, though when the real psycho-badguys start running around the malls with automatic weapons, firing at the clers, it's the other way around, 'cause let's face it, the cops are trained to deal with that kinda stuff. For my part, though, if that happens, I'm offering my ability as a sharpshooter.

bubububububububububububub non smokers die every day! Sleep tight.. *puff* -Bill Hicks
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