Hey! LiveJournal!

Jul 21, 2007 07:45

Pick some new companies to advertise with. I'm getting supremely tired of seeing gold-buy ads. To the point that if I see another one, I'm likely to take an axe to something. And I don't even OWN an axe, which is the bad thing.


Back to the age-old issue of gun control: Well, the NY Times still has its head lodged firmly in its food-waste removal vessel (and no, I don't mean the toilet. Close, though), and the AG is supporting a bill that will enable any of the future folk in that office to deny anyone the right to own a firearm based solely on evidence (that they don't ever have to divulge, I might add) that person is linked to terrorism. And I can safely say that if that law passes, I'm in deep shit. Granted, my interest in explosives is purely academic (and genetic; what male DOESN'T like seeing shit blowed up? Honestly, now.), and my interest in islamic fundamentalism is more of a "what the fuck is wrong with these people" thing, but I guarantee you that there's gonna be some asshole somewhere in the bowels of a US Attorney's office who will use that to link me to terrorism, and thus ban me from exercising my right to keep and bear arms. Permanently. What a dick. And it probably wouldn't help that I play FPS video games (though, thinking on it, I haven't properly played one in quite some time. Must rectify that at some point), as well as the Soul and God of War series (and I'm currently pissing my pants waiting for SC4 and GoW3, despite the fact that I'll need to buy a PS3 for the latter, and an X360 for the former. Bloody hardware requirements.), the latter of which, I really and truly am surprised that the game-ban crowd haven't shit themselves over, considering how nuts they went over Manhunt 2 (which, incidentally, basically got shot in the head; Nintendo and Sony will not allow AO games on their consoles, and guess what the ESRB rated it.) and GTA: San Andreas. (we all remember that "hot coffee" bullshit, don't we?) Honestly, if some dumbfuck 13-year old gets the bright idea to go out and stab a guy in the head because he saw Kratos do it, it's not the game's fault, it's not the dev team's fault, hell, it ain't even Sony's fault (gasp and amazement)! Y'know whose fault it *is*, though? WHOEVER BOUGHT THE GAME FOR HIM AND/OR ALLOWED HIM TO PLAY IT. Seriously, if you're a parent, and you own a PS2 and any of the God of War games, get the kids OUT OF THE FUGGIN ROOM before you even take it out of the lockbox on the top shelf of the game-cabinet, like you should be doing. Seriously. That entire series earned its M stamp but GOOD. You can tell from some of it that the ESRB was on the fence about it. At least, I would be.

Now taking comments on the Crap Behind The Cut. (Damn, I'm good. Not a single spelling error (despite what the spell check button says.)
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