Bump for joy!

Nov 07, 2021 16:08

As my new pregnancy journal says: Bump for joy!!! Our IUI was a resounding success, and we are preggers!!!

We found out on November 4th, early in the morning. Two days before I had tested, even though that was pretty early, and it was negative. Not even a shadow of a faint second pink line on the test that I could see. I was pretty bummed, to be honest, but James said I should check again in a few days. I stumbled out of bed around 6:30 the morning of November 4th and tested with tired, bleary eyes. In a very short time I could have sworn I was seeing a second pink line, but it was faint. James had gotten up earlier to have a bath, which he was enjoying at the time. I ran downstairs to him going "James, James, I think I had line eyes! I think I am seeing double! It's positive!" But he looked at the test, and he saw it, too! Then I took a second test, with the blue dye, and saw a faint line there.

I knelt down next to him in the bath, and we threw our arms around each other and cried.

And then as soon as it was a reasonable time of morning - 7:30/8 AM - I started calling my parents, sisters, and God mother. My dad BAWLED when I told him the good news!!! Everyone was thrilled, of course, and said it made their day. They have all been praying and supporting me a ton these last couple of months, and it was so wonderful to finally share this joyful news.

James and I are over the moon excited and joyful. We're just thrilled. And we know it's not the socially normal time to be sharing with everyone about this, but we're going around telling all our friends and family as we seen them in person. We just cannot wait, and we are full of faith that this baby is super sticky and healthy!
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