Aug 14, 2012 16:18
I have been doing these every month, but haven't posted the setlists lately.
Here's the one for last week, which went really well - even saw some new faces!
Chris & Cosey - Synaesthesia
Nash the Slash - Swing Shift
Cabaret Voltaire - Do the Mussolini
Kraftwerk - Showroom Dummies
Severed Heads - Propellor
Hard Corps - Je Suis Passe
S.P.O.C.K. - Out There (request)
Hilary - Kinetik
And One - Dancing in the Factory
AD:Key - Shout
Front 242 - U-Men
Soviet Radio - Dark Days
Covenant - Stalker
Assemblage 23 - Awake (Imperative Reaction remix)
Skinny Puppy - Assimilate
VNV Nation - Chrome
Nachtmahr - Feuer Frei
Funker Vogt - Arising Hero: Revolution
Miss Construction - Kunstprodukt
Orange Sector - Kalt Wie Stahl