Sep 21, 2005 13:02
hokay. so.
day 17. but who's counting? :)
i tried to look up my old ellejay entries, to figure out about when things at bowdoin started to steam and smell foul, but they were erased.
i wanted to know because so far, i'm VERY well settled here...or in my room at least. i'm not so much focusing on making friends...i dont care as much as i did last year. as far as i'm concerned, i am here to study and work out. and if i'm destined to have a social life...then it will happen when it is ready. but i'm comfortable here, and i'm not miserable, with the occasional bad day that every person has.
i'm just curious if there's still a chance for it to crash...
i feel that psychologically, once i've passed a certain point, i'll be absolutely fine. i'm guessing once i'm halfway through october...since that's about when things really fell apart. if i make it into november, and i see no reason why i won't...i'll be well on my way. i'm almost excited for it
classes here are good. the only class i really despise is polisci 101 because the professor is boring and stupid and old and my TA is foreign and i can't understand him and he's kind of a stick in the mud. which is fun. i finished the iliad and am halfway through the odyssey. it's like my english class was designed specifically for me; namely, high school scholars who really didn't do shit in high school. more like high school bullshitters...
on the other hand, it is like frangos extended. at least the professor doesn't have an afro. although he has kind of a close crop type thing going that looks a lot like they might have had back in ancient rome. which is highly amusing...
ok well i have to go find 2 boys who are willing to cohost bry with me this weekend. this will be interesting, since i know no one on my floor.
"hi i'm laura. i'm a total stranger. will you please take responsibility for my bf...another total stranger? thanks."
hehe i love it already. let's hope they have a sense of humor.