Aug 12, 2005 22:20
So I just got too bored watching the lions (but wow, YAY for football, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside) so I decided to finally read Beth's xanga, which I kept meaning to do, but kept forgetting but she left the url in my history from last night when she was here, so I read it. She was right! It was amazing! It was just so BETH and what's more is it just sounded like she was having so much FUN writing it.
So I decided to finally cave and make all the entries I've written since the first one private and start telling people about my lj. I'll still use it mostly for the private things I have to work out, but I'll try to every once in a while post something public that will be entertaining and that everyone can enjoy. YAY!! Aren't you excited!!
Ok so now I have to think of something entertaining to say...ok...give me a second...
ok, so I just wrote this whole awesome paragraph about how excited I am for Michigan football but then Beth called and I'm going over to her house now to watch a movie...ok, being social is more important than this journal, sorry.
Wow, I can't believe that my life has come to posting an online journal. I suppose that's what happens when all your friends are in Cape Cod/Escanaba/California/New York/Boston/E.Lansing, etc. Everyone come home!!!