**Im Bored**

Apr 06, 2004 22:10

1. Name: Sarah
2. Single or taken: taken and loving it
3. Sex: wouldnt you like to know....hmmm
4. Bday: 9-13-87
5. Sign: virgo baby
6. Siblings: im all alone!
7. Hair Color: well right now it is very very dark brown...but natural i have no idea!
8. Eye Color: hazel/brownish?
9. Shoe Size: 5
10. Height: 5'3

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. Who are your best friends?: jessica, sean, thomas
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: YES!!

s p e c i f i c s
1. Do you do drugs?: i hate them!
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: head and shoulders...it smells good
3. What are you most scared of?: clowns... :(
4. What are you listening to right now?: Whose line is it anyway!
5. Who is the last person that called you?: my mom
6. Where do you want to get married?: on the beach
7. How many buddies are online right now?: 30
8. What would you change about yourself?: my feet

f a v o r i t e s
1. Color: blue
2. Food: macaroni and cheese
3. Boy's names: bradley, ryan
4. Girl's names: stephanie,
5. Subjects in school: baseball ;)
6. Animals: bunny
7. Sports: dance, baseball

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. Given anyone a bath?: does a baby count?
2. Smoked?: eww...
3. Bungee jumped?: OMG so fun!
4. Made yourself throw up?: i am no belimic
5. Skinny dipped?: yea it was interesting
6: Ever been in love?: yes
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: lol i dont think so
8. Pictured your crush naked?: i dont need to
9. Actually seen your crush naked?: hmmm....
10. Cried when someone died: who wouldnt?
11. Lied: oh yea
12. Fallen for your best friend?: yeah...but bad idea
13. Been rejected?: yea it sucks
14. Rejected someone?: unfortunately
15. Used someone?: sorta
16. Done something you regret?: yeah

c u r r e n t
Clothes: sweat shirt and sweats
Make-up: eye shadow, and chapstick
Annoyance: people who LIE!!
Smell: i dont smell anything
Favorite artist: clay aiken
Favorite group: evanescense
Desktop picture: pic of me merria and karen at disneyland
Book you're reading: black boy, and harry potter!
CD in player: evanescence
DVD in player: HERCULES!!
Color of toenails: a sparkley brownish color

l a s t | p e r s o n
You touched: Jimmy
Hugged: Jimmy
You IMed: stephanie
You yelled at: my dad...((jerk))
You kissed: Jimmy

a r e | y o u
Understanding: it depends on the situation
Open-minded: i would say so
Interesting: i can be if i like the person
Random: oh yeah
Hungry: all the time!!
Smart: i can be when i try
Hard working: when i wanna be
Organized: definately not!
Shy: oh no
Difficult: i dont know ask my boyfriend
Attractive: you tell me?
Bored easily: if i am with someone who is boring
Messy:all the time
Responsible: i would say so
Obsessed: uhh...
Angry: sometimes
Sad: yea
Happy: VERY
Hyper: right now, no
Trusting: yes
Talkative: all the time

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
Kill: all clowns
Slap: no one
Look like: Kate hudson
Talk to offline: Jimmy
Talk to online: matt, or jessica

r a n d o m
In the morning I am: not a happy person
All I need is: love
Love is: what you want it to be

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: pepsi...brittney is hotter
Flowers or Candy: candy...they dont die
Tall or Short: taller than me

o p p o s i t e | s e x
What do you notice first: face
First person you slow danced with: zachary newton
Worst question to ask: who died?
What makes you laugh the most: sean
What makes you smile: Jimmy
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Jimmy
Who do you have a crush on: Jimmy
Who has a crush on you: my boyfriend maybe??
Is easiest to talk to: jessica or stephanie, or jared

N u m b e r
Of times I have had my heart broken: once
Number of hearts i have broken: one
Of guys ive kissed: haha wow...i dont know anymore?
Of girls ive kissed: one...
Of continents I have lived in: one
Of tight friends: 3
Of cds I own: too many to take the time to count
Of scars on my body: 1
Two of the things that I regret: lieing to someone that i shouldnt have...((9th grade)) no being friends with my old best friend!
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