Mar 30, 2006 07:40
So Monday when my godfather had passed was his and his wife's 19th wedding anniversary.
Yesterday when he was laid out was his birthday.
My uncle has gone missing. No one knows where he is. He's been gone for 4 days now. Didn't take his insulin or any other necessary medications. For all I know he is dead in a gutter. He took off after finding out about Cork's death. Yes, we all realize they were best friends, but we loved him too. You don't see us deserting our families. Then the fact that he has three kids and my aunt tells them I don't know when dad's coming home. They aren't stupid. The fucker is going to kill himself either from not having any insulin or overdosing on whatever the fuck drug he's doing. That selfish little bastard. I'm so pissed at him. I want to punch him. Grief and death is something no one wants to experience, but we have to. It is part of life. It is no time to be selfish. Can you imagine what your best friend in heaven is doing looking down upon you... He's upset and hurt that you can't be a fucking man and do the right damn thing. I hope my aunt divorces him before he does anymore emotional damage to his children whom love him very much.