Oi! I'm not sure what it is about the transporter console that makes ensigns want to touch it. She's not a bloody siren, she's just a damned console. I'll figure somethin' out.
And if anyone heard about that little watermelon fiasco, don't worry. I cleaned her up. Though I was actually lookin' forward to eating that.
NAME: John Kyle
RANK: Lieutenant
DIVISION: Operations
AGE: 27
RACE: Human
OCCUPATION: Transporter Chief
PERSONALITY: John is the epitome of laid back. He rolls with the punches, he’s never overly alarmed, he’s great under pressure and he’s never panicky. For whatever reason, that natural fight or flight instinct in him almost seems non-existent because he just takes what is handed to him in stride and simply comes up with a solution. He’s a quiet man with less to say than most. He doesn’t do a lot of gossiping or getting too involved. He’s not anti-social, in fact, he’s quite the opposite. He likes to be around people, he likes social gatherings, he just doesn’t always have a lot to say about it. He’s got a fantastic and subtle sense of humor that most people won’t catch unless they know to listen for it. He’s extremely expressive when it comes to his emotions. He doesn’t hide who he is, he just doesn’t show it off either. He’s got a sort of surfer bum vibe to him. He is athletic and sporty. He likes to do things that would be seen as dangerous to some, like rock climbing, sky diving, surfing and other multitudes of extreme sports. He’s a great listener, a loyal friend and a hard worker. John is absolutely brilliant when it comes to those transporters. Those are his ladies, knowing he can get them to do just about anything. He worships the ground Montgomery Scott walks on because of his advances in transporter theory. He’s a complete nerd at heart, but he really tries to hide it. He doesn’t do a good job.
HISTORY: John Kyle was born in Sheffield, England. He started on the USS Bull Run as a transporter technician and was transferred to the Enterprise after the Romulan incident. Other than breezing through the Academy like he’d done it before, there wasn’t much to him. As a kid, he loved to tinker with things, fix them, make them work better or maybe even tear them apart and start all over. He was always more of a mathematical mind with his ducks in a row. Though, it seems that in spite of all his logic and belief that there are no coincidences and luck doesn’t exist, strange things seem to happen to him, especially with the transporters. He’s seem more bizarre things get picked up and dropped on his pad than in all the history of Starfleet. He’s convinced that weird occurrences just happen to like his company and he just deals with it.
First-Person Sample:
Stardate 2258.59. It really shouldn’t surprised me anymore when we beam two men down to the surface of a planet and we beam three men back up, even when it was only set to two. I’m not sure where this little 4 foot 5 inch man came from and they couldn’t even remember if they’d seen him, but there he was, standing on the transporter pad with his eyes popping out of his head. I figured I should just be the first one to say hello, since no one else was noticing him. It didn’t occur to me that I might be the only one seeing him, which it turns out was the case. The two security guys looked at me like I was crazy. The little dude then waved at me and spoke. He really did speak and finally someone else noticed that something wasn’t right. I powered down the transporter, hoping that it might be the reason that little guy was invisible to them. I had no idea if he had any kind of tech on him and suddenly, he was visible to them. Not really sure why I could see him and they couldn’t, but this is space right? Things like that happen. End Log.
Third-Person Sample:
He could have stopped this ensign from talking a long time ago, but John was supposed to be helping them get acquainted with the transporter controls on top of teaching him about the tech. Obviously the kid had gone to the academy, but there was nothing like hands on work that taught you how to perform under pressure.
He’d set the ensign up with a watermelon, a blanket, and a box (all rigged so that they would be recognized by the scanners). He placed them all on the pad and told him he had to transport them all down to the surface of the planet and then bring them back. It was an easy thing to do, but he had to be able to recognize what the console was telling him and the read-outs.
John watched silently as he shakily keyed in what he wanted on the console until the three items beamed down. “Good,” John added simply, his strong British accent as prominent as ever, “Now, bring ‘em back.”
Another few taps of the console and the transporter was bringing back the objects… all in one sort of watermelon gut soaked mass of felt and cardboard. John looked over at the ensign, who looked mortified. John merely clapped him on the shoulder and shook his head, his voice level, “I was lookin’ forward to eating that poor melon.”