Local Hetalia Gatherings Community

Oct 18, 2009 00:03

 I made one for Hetalia Day (aphday_seattle), but we can use it for any gatherings in the future, as souvi has already done by posting an entry for the Halloween meet-up there. I'm getting worried, though, that not many people have joined yet. I'm giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, as not everyone checks their accounts everyday. I just hope the number of members increases before I'm forced to private message everyone again. Oh, but I've already invited everyone who posted to the Hetalia Day meet-up post, so I do hope that I really don't have to pm them on top of that. "OTL

Please, let this gamble of a community work! Oh, also, you should join the main Hetalia Day community as well. hetaliaday

hetalia, hetalia day, halloween, cosplay

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