[Writing] Character Profile: Brian

Nov 28, 2010 00:54

NAME: Brian

AGE: 16

HEIGHT: 5’6”

WEIGHT: 100 lbs

BIRTH DATE: August 6th

HAIR: A little longer than short, brown

EYES: Brown


OTHER FACIAL FEATURES/OTHER APPEARANCE DETAILS: He looks depressed most of the time, but that’s just because he doesn’t like to express his emotions in front of others

DRESS (Style, colors): He wears more subdued tones but the clothes are still pretty colorful. He tends to wear jeans or cargo pants and regular T-shirts

DESCRIPTION OF HOME: It’s a bit on the larger side, but while most of the house is nicely furnished, his room is pretty bland. Think Usui from Maid-sama’s apartment, except with a bed, computer, and T.V.


SECONDARY CHARACTER TRAIT (contrast with dominant): Empathetic




FAMILY: Mom and dad

What kind of person is character with others (name persons and describe interaction): He doesn’t tend to interact with others at all. He’s afraid that people will hate him automatically or that he’ll hurt them in some way simply by existing. In other words, doesn’t feel like he’s worthy of having any friends. With Luke, however…

Sees self as: Mean, anti-social, socially inept, creepy

Is seen by others as: Odd, quiet, nice, intelligent

Sense of humor: Dark

Temper: Slow-boiling, but volatile

Basic nature:

Ambitions: To find someone whom he doesn’t hurt

Educational background: In the midst of his secondary education

Work experience: Anon

Philosophy of life: "If my very existence is painful for you, then my greatest gift to you is not existing.”

Habits: Picking under his fingernails; talking to himself when he’s alone, disparaging himself out loud

Talents (when character looks good): He’s actually really, really smart

Hobbies/pasttimes: Writing down observations about his day

Choice of entertainments: Reading books

What trait will make character come alive?: Hopefulness? IDK

Why is character likeable?: He’s that kind of endearing type of person that people like to try including in group endeavors, I think. Because he’s quiet, people don’t notice him until his intelligence shines through, and then that’s what he’s known for.

Why is character loveable?: I’m going to assume this is in relation to the eventual relationship with Luke and say that Luke finds him interesting. They kind of do things for each other that they respect each other for and things develop from there, I guess.

(responses in his/her own voice)

OCCUPATION: I’m still a student, I'm sorry.

CURRENT HOME: It’s kind of big, but mom and dad like the room… Oh, but my room is very scarce, so I hope that makes up for it…?

MARITAL STATUS: I-I’m much too young for that…

CHILDREN: Like what I said before… I’m too young.

FAVORITE PIG OUT FOOD: Fried curry stuffed taro balls. They’re really bad for you, though, so I try not to eat them too often.


EVERY NEW YEAR’S I RESOLVE TO: Try hurting one less person than I did last year.

NOBODY KNOWS I AM: Really interesting in caring for how everyone feels.

I WISH I COULD STOP: Causing people so much pain. I just want everyone to be happy, but all I ever to is make people unhappy…

I'M A SUCKER FOR: Taro. I really like taro. Oh, but please don’t slather your anus with poi and make me lick it all up. I’m rather terrified that someone will do that one day…

THE WORST PART OF MY LIFE IS: I make everyone around me unhappy.

I WANT TO TEACH MY CHILDREN THAT: It’s important to always think of other people’s feelings.

A GOOD TIME FOR ME IS: Around noon. I like the sun.

THE WORST ADVICE THAT MY FATHER GAVE ME WAS: “Be a man!” But… I’m not very manly…

I THOUGHT I WAS GROWN UP WHEN: I found joy in excluding myself so others could be happy.

WHEN I FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF I: Bury my emotions and smile.

NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE ME IF THEY SAW ME: Spending lunch with someone.

MY FRIENDS LIKE ME BECAUSE: I-I’m sorry, I don’t really have friends like that…

MY PET PEEVE IS: People who ignore others’ feelings just so they can reach their own ends.

MY MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT: Giving a Christmas gift to Luke last year. It wasn’t much, but I just wanted to show my appreciation to him for talking to me a few times.

I CAN DIE HAPPY WHEN: There’s someone I can rely on even if I do hurt them every so often.

I'D REALLY RATHER: Interact with people than stay to myself…

MY MOST HUMBLING EXPERIENCE WAS: Having Luke talk to me for no particular reason. He didn’t want to know an answer or have me explain anything to him, he just wanted to talk. I kind of… wish I could be more like him.

character profile, writing, brian

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