Rundown of the Puyallup Fair Hetalia Meet-up

Sep 26, 2009 22:22

Edit: I put spaces between the paragraphs so that it's no longer a giant wall of text! XP

Okay, so I got to the EMP, where Italy (aurussteelsword) was supposed to pick us up, a half-hour early, since France (quaxicoffelees) [gods, I cannot spell your username correctly...]  called saying that they were already there and to hurry over. Well, it turned out that she and Russia (souvi) had actually got there much too early, so we stood around chatting until Italy finally arrived.

When we got there, we were able to get in using those "kids up to 18 get in free" tickets... even though Italy and Russia were older than that. It's not like they even asked us for ID or anything! Well, basically what we did there was wander around for some 5-ish hours. The first thing we went to see were the sheep and goats, which we took a heck of a lot of pictures of, for some reason. They were adorable, I'll admit that. Still, by the time we finished with them, France had one picture of me, five pictures of Russia, and a bunch of goats. Marvelously done. Well, at that point, we were basically walking around in big circles before settling on getting food. After passing the food court, we found our way to a food shack, where I got a pulled pork sandwich and Belgian fries while Italy got a bratwurst, I believe. Mmm, sexual innuendo... It's inevitable with Hetalia.

After going around and around some more, there was a place where France bought this awesome necklace with a scorpion in it. Remember how Maria Ushiromiya in Umineko no Naku Koro ni explained that the scorpion serves as protection against magic? Kihihihihi... Eventually, we found the place someone described in the original posting on the community that sold things relating to the Vancouver Olympics. Ohoho, Italy, France, and Russia all found things there. Unfortunately, there was nothing there for poor Spain. They even had Ukraine stuff, geez! Let's see, if memory serves [it was only a few hours ago!] Italy got an Italian flag, Russia got a Russian flag iron-on or something, and France got a France scarf. Spiffy~

We had originally wanted to go on the train thing in Sillyville [that's what it's called, right?], but the line was so incredibly long, and the sun was so unbearably hot, we decided to forgo it. In consolation, Russia, Italy and I sat on those weird feet vibrating barrel-chairs. It was awesome. Thanks, Russia, for providing the quarters for us!

Basically, at this point, we were all tired from walking around in our boots so long [it was three o'clock, I believe?]. Luckily, there was shade and convenient tables for us to sit on in the dog competition place. I was walking around looking at the dogs when I realized that my allergy test showed that I am allergic to dogs. So, I eloped with France while Russia and Italy were still busy looking at the cute canines. Earlier, Russia had wanted to ride on the weird sky-tram-thing, and from the dog place, we saw the carriages. It cost too much money, but we did find a pool that everyone put their arms into. We actually stood around there for a while discussing head-canon. Like how Prussia would definitely have a tattoo of a chick.

By then, I think we had made it to about four or five o'clock, and decided to leave for a Greek restaurant [Greece~]. When we exited, there were those "Obama=Hitler" people I'd heard about outside. They amused us so much that we [meaning everyone but me, since I didn't have a camera] took photos of them. They even posed for us! The guy handed Russia and France their little anti-Obama booklets and said, "Weeelcome to A-ME-RI-CA." Pffffffthahahahaha! Seriously, what? I can't believe that he would think we were actually foreigners. I mean, Russia was in the brown coat with a sunflower-on-a-clip in her hair waving a Russian flag and France was in the bright blue and red military uniform. Italy could have passed off as a normal person, but she was holding an Italian flag, a white flag, and had the ahoge sticking out of her wig. What would possess someone to think that we were actually foreigners? It's hilarious! That was easily one of the highlights of the day. It's too bad I didn't have my Spanish flag with me to confuse them into thinking I was some sort of Chinese-Spaniard.

Upon leaving, Italy had a really hard time navigating the hellish roads around the Puyallup Fair, and after circling around a few times, decided to just head back to Seattle. The traffic was hellish too, because this is, of course, the Seattle area. We decided to go to an Indian restaurant by the UW. Everyone but me ordered a gyro plate, it was funny. Me, I had a three-star-out-of-five lamb vindaloo. Oh, and a chai tea. The dinner was particularly strange to me, because we all ordered our own plates. It must be my Chinese upbringing, because we always order and eat family-style. Meh, Chinese values and whatnot I guess.

As the sun was quickly setting, we walked to the UW, and had a photoshoot at Red Square. It was definitely a bit awkward, seeing as how there was no sun by that time, and we were taking pictures in the dark. Basically, we took pictures on three sides of the Square. Everyone should be putting the photos up within the next week. My mom called me some three times because it was dark and we were there taking pictures for so long. By the time we left, it was nine. [Wow, that's a lot of time posing and taking pictures!] Walking back to Italy's car, I almost got hit by bird defecation, while Italy actually did get hit by one in the wig. Poor Italy and her wig... When we got back to the car, France left us to take the bus home. It was at that time that Russia realized that she had left her hat at Red Square! Horrors of horrors! We drove over there and easily found it by the trash can where we had the first part of the photoshoot. That was a close one.

And that's basically the end of it. They drove me back to the EMP where I waited about ten minutes before my dad got there. It was frankly pretty creepy there. But I made it home safely, and had an incredibly fun day.

While I was writing this, France called to make sure I had gotten home safely. Yay for socially awkward phone conversations! Anyways, thanks to France and Italy for getting this all together, and Italy for driving us all! It was really enjoyable! I probably left out some amusing stuff... I  apologize for my bad [yet good?] memory.


P.S. If some of this seems totally incomprehensible, it's probably because I'm really tired. Good night, all!

P.P.S. I'll try to answer those various unanswered comments tomorrow, when I'm not ready to keel over. XD

france, hetalia, photoshoot, russia, spain, italy, cosplay

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