Nov 05, 2014 11:50
Okay, so I am posting a Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger story. In general the reviews are positive, but I have this one reader who seems unable to get past the fact Lucius Malfoy was a horrible person. Here was her latest review:
"How would Lucius have any sway in the media? he was a leading figure in two wars of genocide and his crimes are out there for the whole world to see, including his being a fugitive from justice from his first incarceration. There is no on in the wizarding world who would have less sway over anything. Than a war criminal who the world knows is both guilty and an utter failure."
She's also blasted me for making the wizarding world sexist (Hermione getting grief about not immediately having a family) even though there are plenty of women working both for Malfoy and the MInistry. I have made it the 'norm' that women generally have a family first and once the kids are in school return to the workplace. Not sure how this is sexist. If it were sexist, she would be completely unwelcome in the workplace.
I think my personal favorite is where she claims he gave up his son to regain family influence. Um, no. Draco was forced into it while Lucius was in prison. And as we sat at the beginning DH, he had no influence. He was clearly a prisoner in his own home. And on the claims he continued being horrible and torturing Muggles with Voldie gone - where is the evidence that he did? In fact, his loyalty was questioned by Voldie upon his return.
She says she likes reading LM/HG fic to see how the author can 'make' Hermione decide to fall in love with the vile and revolting person Lucius is depicted as in the novels.
I did finally add a comment after the above review basically saying, if you can't believe that Lucius can be redeemed, then perhaps this isn't the story for you. I'm not getting too wrapped up in her comments, but I just can't help thinking, 'why are you still reading this if you are clearly so bothered with my version of Lucius?'
I did have one reader who is a Ron/Hermione shipper who told me that seeing the direction the story was going, he wasn't going to continue reading and praised my writing, so there was at least that. This girl just likes to wank about how she sees Lucius is not how I see him.